I know I shouldn’t be wasting brain cells on this AI-generated boomer-bait, but I have so many questions:
- How is the guy in the middle holding that comically-oversized Bible with such a limp-wristed grip? That much onion-skin paper and leather binding must weight like 80 pounds at least. At a minimum I think he’d be tearing the thing in half under its own weight.
- This looks like it’s supposed to be some kind of parade, but you’d think the honor guard would be in dress uniform instead of full tactical gear. Are they protecting the Bible-Bearer from some crazed terrorist hell-bent on a pointless gesture?
- If so, why all the pomp and circumstance, and why doesn’t Heavy Bible Guy get body armor too? Is this an Raiders of the Lost Ark scenario where the Bible has its own supernatural protective powers?
- If the guy on the right is serving the USA, then what’s the guy on the left’s “USE” badge mean?
- If May 2024 is my best year, what will July 2024 be?
Ah yes, the soldiers of the USE
I think the AB is covered by the rifle
Or an R
I like how this dude even has trigger discipline with his comedically large Bible. That’s the kind of shit you cannot write.
Have you ever seen a bible go off accidentally? That’s how Crusades happen!
deleted by creator
Guy on the right looks like he’s about to be taken over by Agent Smith
I don’t know about the right but something is taking over the guy in the middle
Dead internet reality
The sad thing is that I spot-checked a few of the commenters and they appeared to be genuine human accounts. If I’m being honest, I would have expected more interesting replies from a GPT-style chatbot than the endless parade of regurgitated Christianese and emoji-spam that I found.
My understanding is that a significant number of these are actually bots, just convincing looking ones.
You can see this in the more unhinged images of starving African children turning into recycled bottle mech warriors or disturbing Jesus carrying himself out of an ocean with busses behind it.
Images that have nothing to do with anything getting enormous amounts of likes and “amens” driven by bots is more plausible than that many people all commenting approximately the same thing on deranged images.
did you factor in the massive amounts of lead and other heavy metals that older generations were exposed to?
How do I even know you are not an LLM?
I like how in this fantasy everyone is sad and pissed off.
wtf is up with big bibles right eye. It’s like agent smith just started possessing him
Oh, the AI meant USA! USA! USA!
Plenty of flags but not a single eagle? 0/10 would not share
Thanks for spoiling “Civil War “ for me, I haven’t seen it yet. /s
Eh, this is from the sequel, it wasn’t as good. Writers just reused the plot from Rome and thought we wouldn’t notice.
The flags are literally floating. There are no structures close enough for them to be attached to
Guy on the left has an under barrel attachment that is just a 2nd gun barrel with 2/3rds of it cut off lol. Both of the muzzles flare out like a blunderbuss too.
Ai might have been pulling from bipods for that bit.
I find I start by laughing at how obviously fake it is. Then I realize some folks have no idea. And if they were told they’d still agree with the concept, so what does it matter if it’s fake?.. And that’s when the dread kicks in.
The reality of why these facebook obvious AI boomer posts are made is pretty depressing too, they’re a way for scammers to find easy victims
Mixing religion and the military has never gone badly for anyone before. We should definitely do that. /s