And it’s stupid easy to grow. Once you have mint growing in your garden/yard, you will never not have mint growing in your garden/yard/neighbors yard.
We once planted 6 different herbs in a rectangle planter including chocolate mint and spearmint, next year the whole planter and part of the one beside only contained chocolate mint.
Chocolate mint is especially evil in my book because it took over an entire area of our yard and killed off my grandfather’s raspberries that had been growing for decades and transplanted to two new homes ending their long lineage.
It took over a entire section of our garden as a kid. I chewed that shit all day every day every summer.
That sounds like a pretty good memory.
Don’t have tons. Thanks for making a point of that. Going in the gratitude journal.
That’s unless you also have dill.
Immovable object meets unstoppable force.
Made a herb planter pot thing for my mom for mother’s day a few years ago, dill still going strong even with the cat munching on it
Nobody going to mention bamboo? Ok, I’ll mention bamboo.
I can somehow kill dill. About the time it gets big enough to harvest some, it just bolts and dies. Even with a sun shade. I have to replant it every year.
Maybe your soil is not compatible, idk.
Once you have mint growing in your garden/yard, you will never not have mint
Broadleaf herbicide keeps my neighbor’s mint infestation on his side without much issue. No worse than the violet, really. His kudzu is the only thing that causes a problem.
Once you have mint growing in your garden/yard
you will never not have mint growing in your garden/yard/neighbors yard.
I love how the mint just spreads from your yard to your neighbor’s yard.
It’s a gift that keeps on giving. Forcefully. My neighbors hate me.
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I managed to kill mint that was in a big planting pot. We had a very hot and dry spell and it just didn’t come back the next year. I was flabbergasted.
Also in my new house, animals ate the mint all the way to the ground. Never had that happen before!
Ivy and brush formula round up appears to have done the trick on the patch in my yard some asshole previous owner spread. I don’t want a mono-culture yard but I hate both the smell and taste of mint. If there’s one herb I could do away with forever that would be it
I was fully expecting this to mention Linux
Or that app for tracking household expenses.
That one closed and got rolled into credit karma. Guess that’s one L for mint.
Not really an L. It’s to be expected. Mint is always getting consumed!
Could also be a phone plan company. Just more evidence in favor of the versatility of mint.
I was fully expecting this to be only about Linux
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sudo Yum
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Oh shit
Yes, that’s why my distro of choice is Linux Mint lmao
I use Arch btw.
I like my kernel as I like my wine. Vintage.
I like 'm like my asshole, bleeding edge
What is it with humans and eating, smoking, or drinking any kind of leaf, seed, or other vegetable that has evolved a deadly toxin to avoid being eaten…?
“You know what, this tastes a bit bland, let’s add some insecticide to it to make it spicier!”
Mmm… Tomacco
We get bored and don’t like bland things. These plants developed extreme flavors to deter most animals, but humans like to have unique and different things so it makes sense
I think spicy food is eaten in Spain, in India and in Thailand, because the spice acts as a disinfectant, which removes all kinds of germs (and therefore diseases) from your body, which is especially important in hot and humid climates, because bacteria spread like crazy there?
That’s a good point.
Also, spices can hide the fact that the food’s gone slightly off due to improper preservation (at least until it comes out one end or the other in a ballistic fashion, but then it’s possibly too late to pass the blame), so there might have been a bit of that, too.
Still, it’s funny how we love eating stuff that’d kill or seriously inconvenience most everything else.
We are weird creatures indeed.
Don’t forget it’s nice relieving properties. Stuffed nose and a sore throat? Mint green tea with a bit of honey. It’ll help ease the discomfort for a time.
Just be careful planting your own. Mint does not care. It will escape the pot, and next thing you know, there’s Chocolate Mint plants choking out the rest of the garden.
Chocolate Mint is also a wonderful variety to include if you’re looking into an herb garden. You can get some different mint varieties going, make a nice blend for things!
Mint can act as a perfect addition to an herb garden or as a prank gift to a first-time gardener that you hate. So versatile!
Even better as a prank gift, it’s so notoriously hard to kill and quick spreading, they won’t notice until it’s too late. Hell, they’ll probably think they’re doing a great job, since it’ll be thriving so long as they pay it the bare minimum of attention.
I think some places do actually have some light restrictions in place, purely because it’s so invasive it’ll fight back against kudzu. It’s just about a rung below kudzu on the difficulty to completely kill.
Mint: the plant that asks, what if kudzu was delicious?
Mint gets quite a few fungal root pathogens. Once those set in it will wipe it out in a few years.
I don’t recommend being near the field when they swath it. Clears your sinuses and burns your eyes.
What if you just plant regular mint plants?
Of which type? There’s 32 in the family, including Catnip and Common Sage.
Mint is wild.
It’s also the best Linux distro! 🌱
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Just replaced Mint with Manjaro KDE on my work laptop and it runs so much better. So I’m not quite on board with your statement.
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I started with Mint because I just wanted it to work right away and it did. But lately I had severe issues with the VPN constantly reconnecting, weird keyboard issues and Teams killing the X session. Although I blame that last one fully on Teams, that fucking piece of shit. Plasma on Manjaro runs so smoothly and I finally have all the latest packages I need, so I’m quite happy at the moment.
Last I remember it was based off LTS Ubuntu editions, so it could fall behind. Was awhile ago since I switched, but I remember having issues getting modern Bluetooth devices working. Had to override the kernel and manually download the chipset’s firmware files.
And it’s disgusting in every single one of those. I hate mint
Same, mint is fucking vile.
Edit: I will die on this hill. You don’t scare me, only mint scares me.
I wholeheartedly disagree but take a pity vote for those downvoting you for sharing a personal opiniom
Mint reminds me of brushing my teeth so I can only stand the taste when brushing my teeth.
It tastes like how I imagine bleach would.
It is not. Cilantro on the other hand…
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This. Cilantro may be mints screw up of a cousin but it’s still glorious in the right condition.
I really wish I could enjoy it. Authentic Mexican tacos look awesome
…is also delicious and versatile!
Delicious and versatile dishwasher flavor
Oddly enough some have a genetic predisposition where to them cilantro tastes like soap. Others do not, and so it doesn’t taste like soap to them. You seem to be the former.
I don’t really find it tastes like soap but I never really tried it by itself, I just know the whole feels weird and bad if there’s cilantro in it
Well you’re supposed to eat it that’s why, and you misspelled hole!
Lmao couldn’t resist, ya set it up perfectly. I hear ya on the cilantro though, sucks for you it rules on tacos if you like it.
Mmm soap
I like mint ice cream. That’s about it. Can’t have the chocolate chips though, I don’t like hard in my soft.
I should call her…
This post brought to you by someone who never planted that cursed, evil herb in their garden
It’s not an herb it’s a lawn
Though there are worse lawns to have.
It’s a lifestyle.
We got “chocolate mint”. Yes, it actually does taste a bit like chocolate mint. Yes, it will take over your garden and be miserable to remove.
Wait, why? Please elaborate, I’m planning to get some for my garden. (In fact, I already bought the seeds package)
Edit: Thanks guys, you might have saved me from a lot of trouble in the future. I’ll just get some pots to plant the mint instead.
It grows like a weed so its quite hard to remove
quite hard to remove
It’s the plant equivalent of cockroaches
If you’re going to plant it, plant it in a pot first, then bury the pot up to the lip. It will stay mostly contained and you won’t see the pot unless you’re right on top of it. Mint reproduces through runners as well as by seeds and the runners are so much harder to control. If you bury the entire pot, it makes it easier for the runners to escape, which is why you want that little bit of lip above ground.
The secret is to never want to remove it.
It’s easy to care for it, you can totally neglect it and it still thrives. When you think it’s grown to much, you cut it down, it springs right back. You can rip it out, as long as there’s a 5cm piece of root somewhere in the ground, it will be there again next year.
I’ve ripped out many a bushel and gifted to friends and still have my own mint. I like it.
That’s why I just plant it in a pot
Edit: by “pot” I mean the rectangle type
I thought this was going to be about the Linux distro
22 beta is soooo nice
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Not a fan of mint flavour tbh
I disagree with your opinion but I will defend to the death your right to express it
Catnip is in the mint family, so kitties also like mint.
Also, catnip can be given to dogs too (in moderation) and some like it, so I guess doggies also like mint.
It’s also a great phone company, cheap prices, good service. There are just so many uses for it. I believe it also keeps mosquitoes away if you plant it near your outside sitting area.
Phones are expensive to buy in bulk, surely there’s a more cost effective way of deterring mosquitoes?
Mint grows like crazy apparently, so you can just plant one and wait…
There is a lotta love for Mint Mobile, T-Mobile’s MVNO (mobile virtual network operator). I’ve opted to pay more for service directly from one of the big players, though, since in busy areas MVNO traffic gets deprioritized.
For the price, hard to beat the resellers! Prepaid even for those with the simplest needs.
Yup. I’m on Tello and my wife is on Mint, both are great.
I thought I didn’t like mint for the first 15 years of my life because of mint toothpaste.
I like mint in a lot of things, but I can’t stand mint toothpaste. Unfortunately, every other option I’ve tried has been even worse- fruit flavors, baking soda, etc.
They always make it too spicy. Like I don’t need to brush my teeth with Red Hots.