Attempts by Hungarian premier Viktor Orbán to address MEPs at the inaugural plenary sitting of the newly elected assembly in Strasbourg have been rebuffed by parliamentary chiefs unable to find room to accommodate him in the agenda, two sources familiar with the issue have told Euronews.

By long-standing convention, heads of government are given the opportunity to address the Parliament when they take over the rotating presidency of the EU Council, presenting the agenda for their six-month turn at the helm of inter-governmental policy negotiations and answering questions from MEPs.

The sources said Orbán had indicated to the parliament that he could appear before the plenary on Tuesday or Wednesday (16-17 July) next week to present the agenda of the Hungarian presidency, which Budapest has given the slogan ‘Make Europe Great Again’.

    3 months ago

    Yeah, for sure. I just take comfort in knowing it bruised his ego a little.

    As for getting rid of him it’s going to take a lot more. Poland gives hope, but the situation there was not as bad as in Hungary.

    I just hope that him trying to play an increasingly bigger role globally will lead to his downfall somehow. He clearly has a distorted image of himself and his abilities, which is not a great starting point of aspiring dictators.

        3 months ago

        That’s amazing, thanks for sharing!

        I don’t generally see videos of politicians, as I get my news primarily from written sources and I don’t have much of an interest in rhetorics. It’s fascinating to see his words are as idiotic as his actions.

        I guess he manages to come across as more convincing in Hungarian.