• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

  • That makes a lot of sense and where I’m leaning towards as well

    While my homeserver still has plenty of resources to spare, I see a lot of them going towards multiple DB containers. It’s nice for “segregating” the containers, but backups are also a pain, gotta plan backups/restores for multiple DBs

    Same story with an s3 (well, minio) instance running. Seems like it would make more sense to centralize DB and file operations and having different services talk to them. Then if I ever needed to move them into separate servers, it wouldn’t be as big a move.


  • This is purely anecdotal of course, but most of my (male) friends and family members who resist going to therapy aren’t really turned off because of access to a specific service tailored for them or not; they’re “turned off” from it largely because of the social perception of men going to therapy in general.

    What I mean to say is, no, I don’t think we need more therapy “tailored” towards men, all (decent) therapists already specifically try to bend their particular therapy-ing style to match their client, regardless of gender. We need to change the perception of what it means to get therapy (at least in my opinion).

  • I use Linux on my personal laptop, my work laptop is a Mac, but my desktop (main computer) is still Windows largely cause of video games. Lot of the games I like to play don’t work or require more tweaking than I’m willing to invest to get them running on Linux. I also play flight sim and racing sim games with peripherals a lot, and if the game support on Linux seems bad, the support for those peripherals is even worse lol.

  • The edit: omg thank you for awards/upvotes comments just feel like such a self-congratulatory circlejerk, as if the point of the post was to “win” at reddit by getting the most points. The “meta” around reddit itself became less of a discussion and more a game to play to get the most points.

    To be clear, I don’t directly hate the “thank you” post edits, I dislike that they’re a symptom of the “meta” of reddit becoming less around the links it aggregates and more around itself, maybe?

  • I remember being introduced to reddit years ago. It was still new and unknown, there was in-jokes and cringey bacon narwhal shit I don’t even quite remember. It was fun, it was cringe, it wasn’t doomscrolling it was genuine engagement and I really enjoyed it.

    Then the longer I spent on it the more hostile it became. Almost every comment thread is full of contrarians looking to argue with you just to get more upvotes and edit: omg thx 4 awards!!11! bullshit, bots “correcting” people’s spelling and telling you how many consonants are in reverse alphabetical order in your username omg so cute! it just became regular, boring old social media.

    Then the leadership bullshit kept just getting worse and worse and worse, every time you hear anything about what reddit (as a company) does it’s just more and more hostile to users. The API/app changes and the way it was handled was the last straw. Users don’t hate reddit, reddit hates it’s users, the company has shown nothing but contempt for the users and unpaid moderators for years and I’m just sick of it and that long term animosity coupled with the last set of changes? Yeah, fuck reddit.

  • The way it was explained to me is that every Lemmy instance is basically a full on “reddit” in that it’s a link aggregator, supports user made communities (ie: subreddits), commenting, etc. You can run Lemmy in private mode and this is exactly how it functions!

    On the side of what “federation” is, it’s that all the instances can (theoretically) communicate with each other and share posts and content amongst themselves. So let’s say you make a post on lemmy.world, because my instances “federates” with lemmy.world I am able to see your post and comment on it from my instance. Lemmy.world and my instance periodically update each other with posts our respective users make. Your post lives on Lemmy.world, my comment replying it to lives on mine, and when I post my comment Lemmy.world receives a notice that I’ve done so, which then creates a notice for you that I’ve made the comment blah blah.

    The benefit to federation mainly is that it gives a lot of control to users on how the platform functions. Firstly it doesn’t congregate the entire userbase to a single company and/or site. No single instance should remotely be as large as reddit. But because they communicate together, you can approve/deny what instances (as an instance admin) you’re “federating” with. Don’t like the users and moderation policy of another instance? You can “de-federate” with them and block their content from showing up on your instance.

  • I don’t, I really wish I did more, but I’ve found it a difficult habit to develop and keep up with for some reason, although I have tried several times.

    One of the most successful methods I’ve had was with my sous vide cooker. I would go to Costco (/Sam’s Club/BJ’s/whatever bulk goods store) and buy a variety of meat, couple packs of steaks, pork chops, chicken, etc. Once home I would season and portion the meat out into individual servings, then vacuum seal and freeze. Before work every morning I’d throw a frozen protein in the water bath and go to work, which was only 5 minutes away from home, at lunch time I’d clock out, rush home, quickly sear my whatever was cooking and add a can of vegetables or some other leftover for a side. Was a phenomenal system, but only lasted a few months before the job ended, and just haven’t tried to pick up the habit again.

    At one point I set up Mealie, a self-hosted recipe tracker/scraper that worked well and helped to generate some grocery lists. That was nice because I was able to select different things I wanted to make over the course of a week and have it generate a list of what I need ingredient wise.

    However I never really “stuck with it” as a habit. Mealie is really cool in that it can (theoretically) scrape recipes out of other websites, so it centralizes your recipes and strips the “blog” fluff out of them. But in practice it wasn’t great at doing that, it relied on very specific metadata tags that just aren’t present/formatted properly in a lot of recipe blogs, so it wound up being more trouble to use than it’s worth. If I were more dedicated I might be willing to manually transcribe the recipes, but I ain’t lol.

    Anyways, apologies, I realize that’s kinda ranty and doesn’t really answer your question. I’m posting partially cause I hope other people will share their meal-prep-planning and I can steal ideas haha.

  • I’m a big fan of the saying that “time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time” for that exact reason. If you want to do nothing then do nothing, that’s perfectly okay!

    What is sad, though, is that I feel like this is saying you get so tired and burnt out from working just to survive that even when you get time off you don’t get to enjoy it or do things you want because you’re just so burnt out from working.