Azarova [they/them]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • I don’t think your “fuck off and die” attitude is going to convince very many people to be accepting of trans people.

    Do you think maybe that attitude is the result of being one of the primary political scapegoats for fascists for several years now, while liberals have largely sat on their hands and done nothing while hundreds and hundreds of discriminatory bills flow through state legislatures every single year? While liberals like you gradually adopt reactionary framing (the “dangers” of puberty blockers and the alleged commonality of trans surgeries for children) on the issue, ceding ever more ground to their rhetoric?

    You’re providing a perfect example of the kind of attitude that will get fascists elected.

    And then victim blaming as the cherry on top. Very cool.

  • life altering drugs

    Puberty blockers are not life altering drugs and have been used on cis children for decades with no issues being raised about it, let alone of this scale. Any stance other than this, one based in actual reality, is caving to right wing framing of the issue.

    permanent surgeries

    So exceedingly rare among trans children that it’s not worth talking about. Trans children rarely get access to puberty blockers, let alone surgeries. Editing to add: Most surgeries are done to reverse the effects of a wrong puberty. If trans kids got the blockers/HRT they needed, they wouldn’t have a need to undergo surgery, except for maybe GRS, which is not a universal desire among trans people.

    until they are adults that can make those decisions

    This is also caving to right wing rhetoric on the issue. Trans children are not walking into gender clinics and saying “One gender-affirming surgery, please :)”, this process typically involves multiple doctors, usually a therapist of some kind, and obviously the kid’s parent(s)/guardian(s). Just like the abortion issue, it should stay that way and be free of state intervention, because to say otherwise would be to contradict the overwhelming majority of medical evidence from the past several decades that indicate that transition leads to the best outcomes for trans people.

    I want to be able to tell them that the trans issue is being used to divide us and get people to vote against their economic interests.

    As Outdoor_Catgirl said, this issue is not a fucking distraction. To be free from discrimination and the very real threat of violence that often results murder should ostensibly be an issue liberals would care about. But even with the most selfish framing, trans issues are directly related to the lack of adequate and affordable healthcare that plagues this country even after it socially murdered over a million people with the lack of COVID response. So, trans issues should not be seen as a “distraction” or a “culture war”, because increasing discrimination and stochastic violence against a vulnerable minority should be issues that even liberals care about.

  • GDR-emblem

    In 1985 the Stasi finally produced a new set of guidelines on how to prevent what it termed “the political misuse of homosexuals.” Some of its recommendations were unsurprising, such as ramping up surveillance of gay activist leaders. But its final recommendation was entirely novel. It insisted that the government find “resolution[s] to homosexuals’ humanitarian problems.” That is, the Stasi decided to actually address activists’ demands.

    Their rationale for doing so was actually rather simple. If the government tackled gay men and lesbians’ concerns, then all those church-affiliated activist groups would have no reason to exist. No complaints to be made, Stasi officials reasoned, meant nothing to organize about.

    Thus began a series of genuinely radical changes in East German society. The state-censored newspapers, which for decades had hardly ever mentioned homosexuality, suddenly started printing dozens of stories about gay men and lesbians. The government also freed periodicals to accept personal advertisements from gay men and lesbians looking for partners.

    The state tasked Berlin psychology professor Reiner Werner with writing a book titled Homosexuality: A Call to Knowledge and Tolerance, which appeared in 1987. Its initial run of 50,000 copies sold out in a matter of weeks. (It would also approve a gay film, Coming Out, that premiered on November 9, 1989, the night the Berlin Wall fell.)

    In addition, the state began granting official recognition to gay groups, such as the Sunday Club, a secular activist collective run by Sillge that had been meeting in East Berlin since the early 1980s. And it authorized East Germany’s first gay discos, such as Die Busche, a club that still exists today.

    The government even allowed gay chapters within the Free German Youth (FDJ), the state’s official youth scouting organization, and mandated that all FDJ members attend educational sessions dealing with homosexuality. All of a sudden, East German youth were required to attend meetings of gay groups such as the Sunday Club. Remembering this moment, Rausch told me, “The joke was that suddenly everyone was standing in line to get into the Sunday Club,” only a couple years after it had been a target of state repression.

    In 1987 the East German Supreme Court struck down the law that set a higher age of consent for gay men and lesbians. The following year, the military allowed gay soldiers, reversing a policy the government had instituted in the 1950s.


  • The Stasi termed this the “political misuse of homosexuals” and it perfectly encapsulates how the West exploits the marginalized status of queer people to blackmail them and then weaponize them against their own societies. The Stasi seemingly fully understood this risk, which is what prompted them to suggest to the SED that they give queer people rights, almost entirely ending the threat of blackmail. I just dearly wish that the rest of the world would learn the lessons already learned by other states in their struggles against the West.