Beaver [he/him]

Master of Reality

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • The liberal fascination with private/public partnerships is so odd. There’s obviously some brainworm idea that a privatized version of a service will experience market pressures to improve efficiency… but even in their ideal world where that’s true why do they think that the profit margin wouldn’t swallow up that difference, especially when they never do competitive bidding for services? The Thatcherite vision at least had the consistency of the government completely exiting the field, but the Starmerite vision seems to be the Ultimate Centrist approach of just having the worst of all worlds.

  • Napster was a godsend, as I couldn’t afford to buy music. I installed it on the school computers, and I had a sneaky little hidden folder with my mp3s. I’d plug in my headphones and listen over lunchtime. I eventually figured out how to use multipart rar files to put them onto floppy disks, so that I could get them back home and listen on my parent’s computer. I was eventually able to buy a portable CD player that played mp3s on CD-RW, which really opened up the possibilities. Without piracy, I don’t think I would be into music in the same way - I simple never would have had the opportunity to listen to most stuff.

  • Beaver [he/him]@hexbear.nettomemes@hexbear.netReal
    3 months ago

    It really challenges the idea that nations ultimately are purely rational actors driven by resource competition. I have to remind myself sometimes that there are in fact some religious whackos tugging on the steering wheels. I don’t have a very good understanding of Iran, but I assume they have their share of that too (how could they not?)

  • Beaver [he/him]@hexbear.nettomemes@hexbear.netbeetles
    3 months ago

    I was an atheist already as a pre-teen because I was never offered any satisfactory answer this very obvious question. I’ve chilled out about the militant atheism since then, but I still think people are being overly credulous when they invoke the idea that a benevolent force created this world. There’s just so much suffering that is up to pure chance.

  • Beaver [he/him]@hexbear.nettomemes@hexbear.netMovie differences
    3 months ago

    Yeah, it’s one of the worst changes from the book - Stilgar is a believer from the beginning, and is even described by other Fremen as being kind of a religious fanatic who sees prophecy everywhere. It’s an unfortunate change, as this was one of the most important themes in the book, the way that fanaticism debases people.

    It’s a bummer that Stilgar doesn’t go on that journey in thia film, especially consider how much it beats us on the head that the prophecy is a cynical manipulation.