BynarsAreOk [none/use name]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2021

  • It’s impossible to know what he was thinking in the aftermath but I think it was possible his massive adrenaline rush made him forget that actual reality is not like reality tv. When you die in reality - that’s it. You’re actually dead.

    IMO Trump doesn’t have an ideological drive that justifies personal sacrifice, on the contrary he is extremely selfish and MAGA atracts exactly a huge part of this selfish chauvinistic white population.

    So yeah when he had the opportunity to reflect on whether any of this is worth dying for he probably couldn’t answer with “yes” unequivocally. Heck I doubt he even actualy cares or believes in actual MAGA rhetoric if it doesn’t include direct benefits to people like him.

    Not like this isn’t obvious either, bullies tend to be cowards as a stereotype and first of all Trump’s entire personal life before MAGA was entirely as part of the privileged capitalist class. He is part of the least likely group of people to ever consider any sort of altruism or sacrifice for a greater goal.

  • If anyone wants to be realy concerned about the Russian economy the only thing that matters is whether the Russian government and central bank fully embrace this mainstream economics garbage. That is the only concern but the good news is not just the war effort, but the future reconstruction of the liberated territories will give yet another boom to the local economies in a few years.

    The neolibs currently in charge lucked themselves into a Chinese like public investment driven boom, if they realize this is what is happening and reject these stupid mainstream narratives they’ll be fine in the future, if not at least in the short term there is not much they can do wrong.

  • The Democrats under Biden have proven to be the more genocidal warmongering, pro-cop, anti-immigration, and pro-Zionist party than the Republicans. The Democrats have been eating their lunches and all they have left is “culture war” and “wokeness”.

    Are you trying to give the Dems credit for moving to the right on those issues? I hope not because by all measures it was a losing strategy.

    Make no mistake Biden is a corpse but he is also a ghoul with a neoliberal admin that absolutely refuses to tackle material issues and spent 4 years gaslighting the population as the country headed into the economic abyss.

    Even Biden would not be in this bad shape if the dems actualy tried to secure the liberal/progressive vote by actualy trying to get even bare basic wins on progressive issues.

    I don’t believe this is a hot take to say Biden would be the favorite if the Dems actualy tried to govern with the actual intent on pushing even remotely left policies and winning.

    The reason the GOP can’t easily attack Kamala is because remember that traditional conservatism is long dead. The Bush era GOP concerned with budget and shit? They moved away from that because nobody actualy gives a shit about the government deficit or military budget. The 2008 crisis already jokerfied millenials back then with all the government bailouts if you remember. Why care about budget when the elite gets free money whenever they want?

    Too big to fail was a fairly important cultural/political point of that era.

    Now Trump is a once in a lifetime figure due to his charisma but he also only exaggerated this trend. The GOP doesn’t have a political platform except racism since the Bush era, its old news.

    If Biden did not have an impairment of mental cognition that seriously affected his re-election prospects, the Republicans would have been toast. The party would not exist in 10 years as a half competent political party, and would more likely devolve into a country club for MAGA crazies yelling at clouds.

    This is the future of the Republican Party. They’re done.

    Probably true I agree. The problem is the dems don’t want this to happen, hence the current climate. The dems are about to lose an election they should win because they must walk the line between deliberately gaslightling liberals and not doing it so much that the GOP actualy dies and the dems end up being blamed for everything and having to actualy govern.

    A fundamental part of Dem strategy is blaming Republicans for everything and they can’t do that if the GOP dies. Hence there will always be this status quo where Dems only realy lose due to their own incompetence.

  • I haven’t played Tropico in a long time but even if that game is very on the nose with the “some are more equal than others” communism, I think in general in that game you have to build all the housing yourself.

    Without reading the article the key feature of Sim City clones is the RCI(residential, commerce, industry) demand meter which as it says, the higher each bar the more zoning is necessary. There is a direct relationship between them too as one is meant to drive the others. The point is you just “follow the market demand” and the city grows naturaly with no real planning, just the market tells you what is best to do next.

    If you compare to real world Chinese real state development for example, where they build entire towns years in anticipation of real demand, in Sim city clones the most you can do is plan some roads and zones and hope for the best. This is the dev’s design intention obviously I think a good player can make good looking stuff too.

    I think Cities skylines got a little more control given all the DLC stuff, but clearly the DNA is from the free market ideal presented here. Land value dictates what kind of building model.

    I think in all these games land value is seen as the higher the better, with none of the real world downsides let alone the real mechanisms that drive land value up in the first place, its explicitly higher = better. These valuations tend to be realy naive like “oh got all basic needs? Got crime down? Got a few parks? Great now see land value go brrr”

    Again maybe CS is a bit better because there are so many laws and government stuff there compared to Sim City. I haven’t played in a long time too but again in a game like Tropico usually its not quite the same as that with some exceptions like maybe the best places to place tourist related buildings etc.

  • Yeah I agree with this, the stocks keep growing exactly because they completely ignore Biden and US politics almost entirely.

    The latest growth cycles are based on either

    1. the expectation that the Fed will lower interest rates and if you spend even a casual amount of time each week reading these market headlines you’d go insane, they manufacture some absurd rationales and narratives that literaly change from one day to the next. One day its up 2% because some indicator says inflation is slowing therefore “high hopes for interest rate cuts in the future” and then 2 days later another indicator says the opposite and so flip that headline 180 “oh no investors weigh in on dashed hopes for rates cut” and it changes daily.

    2. the current AI “boom”, I think you know this obviously US tech is now a major grift but NVIDIA also got to keep massive markups from the crypto boom during COVID, there was never a correction from those $1000+ GPUs, that is the permanent standard now for the top end. When inevitably another COVID like supply chain breakup/crisis happens they’ll hike the prices another 50% from there and $1500-2k gpus will become the standard etc.

    Even if AI boom crashes its almost impossible to see NVIDIA going anywhere now outside of major geopolitical events. And when that crisis happens and NVDIA increases their prices again and repeat.

    And then you look at what the market says about Trump oh he will be better because of less tariffs and less taxes and that is maybe true, but the Fed is literaly independent anyway and the current boom will keep going until some major event causes a major anti-AI backlash, though the chances of that are minimal now. Yet Trump gets to benefit as being labelled as the “market favorite” even though his direct involvement is almost zero.

  • Biden’s family relation to Ukraine is mostly irrelevant in the grand scheme. Even someone like Nuland who was literaly directly involved in the maidan coup is far more of a direct cause for the war than Hunter.

    For staters, Operation Aerodynamic

    The purpose of Project AERODYNAMIC is to provide for the exploitation and expansion of the Anti-Soviet Ukrainian resistance movement for cold war and hot war purposes. Such groups as the Ukrainian Supreme Council of Liberation (UHVR), its military adjunct, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN all in the Ukraine, the Foreign Representation of the Supreme Council of Liberation (ZPUHVR) in Western Europe and the United States, and other Ukrainian organizations such as the Foreign Sections of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (ZchOUN), etc., will be utilized.[5]

    OUN is literaly the Ukrainian WW2 nazis still alive today.

  • I mean it’s pretty clear that at least some of his staff orchestrated this failure to create a window of opportunity to replace him.

    I am very weary of giving credit to people who are consistently wrong about everything and always showing signs of incompetence.

    It doesn’t have to be the result of a scheme, rather the simplest explanation is they really believed their own BS and those people standing up now are just opportunists that never liked Biden in the first place.

    There is also maybe just the fact they’re just too embarrassed now, you can’t complain about all the silly Trump antics, covfefe or sex with porn actors and then having their own grandpa Joe almost shitting his pants on live TV.

    Things like stutter or missing a step can be excused, but over 1h of live TV embarrassment?

  • Project Ukraine is far too important for the Democratic donor class and those who have recently been calling for it to be ramped down had to be purged.

    The Ukraine war will continue regardless, when Trump says he wants EU to pay more for NATO he is just saying the quiet part out loud. The EU already is like 2/3s of Ukraine’s funding and they are completely just funneling money to the US MIC anyway. Beligium F-16s comes at the cost of giving them F-35s.

    If somehow Trump does retreat from Ukraine and the EU accepts it they’ll move on to China anyway, replace the EU with Korea/Japan/Taiwan money.

    The deep(er) state/long term historical Nazi project in Ukraine will remain for generations to come, the only way to end it is if Russia captures and revolutionizes the entire country, the chances of that are minimal. Ukrainian nazis will remain between two walls: Poland/Eastern European hate towards slavs and their own self hatred towards Eastern Ukrainians and Russia.