Cowbee [he/they]

Actually, this town has more than enough room for the two of us

He/him or they/them, doesn’t matter too much

Marxist-Leninist ☭

Interested in Marxism-Leninism? Check out my “Read Theory, Darn it!” introductory reading list!

  • 28 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


    1. I don’t know what “blatant authoritarianism” is, materially. What does that look like? Over 90% of people approve the government, and 83% (compared to 49% in the US) believe they live in a democracy.

    2. The treatment of the Uyghur people can definitely be discussed critically, but I think we should follow the UN’s consensus on it, which is that it shouldn’t be considered a genocide. I think calling re-education camps “genocide” despite no mass killings or steralizations makes light of ongoing genocide like that in Palestine. Further, we should be critical of claims of genocide that exclusively originate with Adrian Zenz, a Christian Nationalist that believes China is the antichrist and works exclusively as a myth-making anticommunist. He’s also a documented liar, his claims of forced steralization (paid for by the BBC) come from misrepresenting 8% of annual new IUDs going to Uyghur people for 80%, for a people that were exempt from the One Child Policy due to their status as Ethnic Minorities.

    3. The CPC does practice censorship. I believe this matter should be left to the people of China to decide, however, as their system appears to be percieved as more democratic and beneficial than the US system is for its people.

    4. I am not sure what you mean by saying the CPC isn’t Communist anymore. What do you believe a “true Communist” CPC would be doing now, that disqualifies them from being Communist? They are running a Socialist Market Economy where heavy industry and large firms are almost entirely state-owned and controlled, as the meme shows it represents the people over Capital.

    Overwhelmingly it looks like the CPC represents the people and is working towards bettering the lives of the working class, such as dramatic expansions in poverty elimination and healthcare cost reductions. They have a long way to go, however, so there is a lot to criticize accurately without holding to the US State Department consensus. One would have to be ignorant to overlook the issues in the PRC, but one would also have to be ignorant to take US State Department lines at face-value when we know they lie all the time. Remember Iraq’s WMD?

  • Generally, the DPRK is seen similarly to Cuba, they would be doing far better if the US Empire wasn’t sanctioning them directly to cause harm. As for Stalin, it depends on what you’re talking about, the Great Purge had no more than 700,000 condemned to death, and that doesn’t mean every one of them was actually executed. Stalin certainly wasn’t a saint, but at the same time he wasn’t worse than Hitler and killed 10-20 million like the Black Book of Communism would have you think.

    Ultimately though, Marxism isn’t “become DPRK” or “be Stalin.” I think you have to study Marxism more to understand why those questions largely don’t matter for building Socialism. I suggest you read Blackshirts and Reds.

  • Cowbee [he/they]@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlLiberals
    3 days ago

    I’m not Dessalines, but as the curator of the other list, I can do my best to answer.

    When you say that Marxism has become “brutal and distorted,” I think you’re operating from a mindset and understanding rooted in Western culture and education. I would say, based on my research and reading into AES (Actually Existing Socialism), these countries such as Cuba, the PRC, and the former USSR all apply Marxist understanding and methods to amazing effect.

    The Red Scare never ended, and being aware that it existed isn’t enough to actually understand what AES is like. The history of AES, and the conditions within those countries, is not reported faithfully or honestly in the West, so it is very difficult. That doesn’t mean they are perfect, but it means they are real, and come with real victories for the Working Class.

    That’s why the opening sections of my reading list include Blackshirts and Reds as well as Dr. Michael Parenti’s 1986 lecture, these 2 really give an eye-opening look into the mythology and demonization of AES in the west, and how that process is intentional and persists to this day.

    To circle back to your question, Marxists are hopeful because Marxism works, we know this and see it happening. We learn from the mistakes our predecessors made and we promise to carry their work forward.

    As a final side-note, regarding the Nazis: it was the Red Army that did 80% of the fighting against the Nazis. We have Marxists to thank for the defeat of the Nazis, and we can do it again.

  • Ideas don’t create matter, matter creates ideas. The human being is special because it recreates matter which recreates ideas in an endless spiral. Capitalism wasn’t invented but arose especially once industrialization took off with the steam engine. Organization of society really started with agriculture, feudalism with the ability to store the gains from agriculture, Capitalism with factories aided by steam engines and machinery, and Socialism has already cropped up around the world with the rise of mass industry and international Imperialism.

    The human mind exists in the context of its environement. We don’t really consciously employ a system as it was designed, rather, the system emerges due to physical laws of development of technology and new capabilities, and humans can do their best to tweak or guide that process. Socialism is a critical step because under Capitalism, profit is the prime motivator and that works against a common goal, while in Socialism humanity has understood the laws of social development and can make Capital work towarda a common, cooperative goal.

    Socialism: Utopian and Scientific is a great and far more thorough overview of what I just described, a brief overview of Historical and Dialectical Materialism.

  • Your error is in combining Capitalism the system with the ideologies that support it, like Liberalism. These are separate, and combining the two leads to unhelpful errors that obfuscate understanding of how they work. The base is not the superstructure, but they reinforce each other.

    Concisely, Capitalism the system of Political Economy and Socialism (eventually Communism) the system of Political Economy are raw material processes, or the Base. The ideologies concerning each and the other aspects of society are the Superstructure. Here’s an infographic:

    Communists believe private and public ownership are tools better suited for different levels of development. At low development, markets can be a useful tool, see the NEP or the PRC’s Socialist Market Economy. Markets, however, necessarily centralize and erase their foundations, Public Ownership becomes more and more efficient in comparison along this process. The only time you could say Public Ownership will not eventually be the future of production is if you think production will no longer improve and no longer increase in complexity.

    When I say that I don’t think you understand Communism, I say that because it’s abundantly clear to me that you haven’t engaged with the why of Communism from Communists themselves, just moralistic arguments and not the actual materialist analysis Communists work off of. It has nothing to do with morality, and everthing to do with how production functions in the real world.