• 4 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2023


  • “I personally just hope we can tax the everliving bajeezus out of them and start some sensible basic quality of life initiatives and electoral reform before it starts getting properly ugly.”

    When corruption is legal and money controls the systems, there’s no shot at getting that reform. We need reform before the reform. I’ve said this before, but it’s only around an average of $100,000 to buy a Supreme Court justice. And Clarence Thomas skews those numbers like crazy. It’s probably closer to $20,000.

  • Not in the jurisdiction he was in, and that’s all that matters.

    Also, while sending sexually explicit texts to minors (using only words) is not illegal, I’m pretty sure we can correlate what his intent was. What, do you think he’s going to come out and fully admit he’s a pedophile? No.

    Also, nowhere in any of his statements has he clarified that he didn’t know they were underage. If it were the case that he didn’t know, that’s a pretty fucking big deal and he should know how important it is to explain that. He didn’t though.

    Stop defending pedophiles.