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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 14th, 2023


  • This was two posts down from a very funny video showing that you can get any result from a poll. Before I even read the numbers I was like “People, government, and violence-enacting groups are not the same” ie I can relate to (sympathize with) being a citizen of an occupying regime, even to being part of the occupying force, without agreeing with the overall agenda of the regime in charge. Maybe I’m empathizing instead of sympathizing, but I see most people who take polls on a CBS site (another obvious flaw here) will also sympathize (or empathize) that direction.

    Then I read the numbers. They are abysmal. Still, I’d like to see a poll that is more fairly worded. A poll that constructs the opposite perspective in its audience would be amusing too.

  • Oh, yeah, we technically understand that most Christians say the deal is “Keep doing terrible things, just say you’re sorry.” Jeffrey Dahmer: heaven. His victims: at least some in hell. Not a bad deal for terrible people. Or maybe just, you can masturbate whenever you want as long as you feel really guilty about it afterwards. That definitely sounds as enjoyable as our experience.

  • I always had vibes of why Click is so bad, that it cheats at evoking emotion, that the main character is an ass and still doesn’t earn his torture–and that torture goes on and on and on and …!–and that he doesn’t even learn any valuable lessons in the end!

    Then Big Joel did me the favor of analyzing why Click is so terrible. So yeah, even without seeing CK, the choice is laughably easy.