• 36 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 2nd, 2024


  • There’s no reason EVs have to be heavier forever

    That’s a bit of a stretch, unfortunately. The energy density of batteries is nowhere close to that of gasoline - joule for joule, gasoline weighs about 100 times less than batteries. Also, a fuel tank big enough to give its vehicle a 400 mile range will get lighter over the course of the trip, as the liquid fuel gets converted into polluting gas and exhausted into the atmosphere - batteries don’t get appreciably lighter as you discharge them.

    Agree that 400 miles range with charging stations as ubiquitous as today’s gas stations would help EV adoption. I do worry about the rollout of charging stations being slowed down by competition with expensive and fragile hydrogen tech (keep the hydrogen on boats and trains pls).

  • Not really. Its trees from a time before micro organisms evolved the ability to eat dead trees. These days, the solar energy collected by trees will get used to power the metabolisms of fungi before those trees can get buried and eventually become new coal & petroleum.

    I suppose an impact from a sufficiently large asteroid could turn the entire crust of the planet into magma, sterilizing it and therefore opening the possibility that new oil might be created some day.

  • That’s just a fucking blatant lie. Obamacare is free if your income is low enough.

    This is also factually inaccurate. If your income is low enough, then I know from experience that the sign up process for the ACA will redirect you to Medicaid.

    I believe that you believe that you’re telling the truth, but it seems like you’ve been misinformed. In reality, you’ve asked me to disregard my own lived experience and to ignore the evidence provided by my own lying eyes.

    I’m in it. Right now. Trying to get healthcare as a poor person in USA.

    Your replies make it seem like you are not - like you’re out of touch and apparently believe its easier to be poor in USA than it actually is. A poor person in USA can get free healthcare, but you have to stay poor to keep it. If your income grows to about 1 standard deviation below the median, which is still less than a living wage, then you’ll lose access to Medicaid and have to shop for an ACA plan in the marketplace. Those marketplace plans became garbage after the Republicans repealed the important parts of ‘obamacare’.