DragonBallZinn [he/him]

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • As much as I love Moo Deng, I worry that many people like her for all the wrong reasons.

    A lot of the memes you see of her always seem to depict Moo Deng in some sort of irritation or distress. Look up “Moo Deng mouth open” and you’ll know what I mean. One of the most famous pictures of her shows some distress over being picked up. Also, there’s been some reports of people throwing things at her, probably to get a “cute” reaction or try to be the person who makes the next meme image of her. What this boils down to is taking pleasure in a baby animal’s misery, and that’s just pure cruelty. It’s sad that some people do not recognize this.

  • They’re primitive and stupid and I’m doing them a favor.

    Oh, so he was just roleplaying as a snooty elf who will redeem themself, right? anakin-padme-2

    They’ll do a redemption arc later, right? anakin-padme-4

    But yeah, DnD is one hell of a good look into some people’s psychology, the guy I had at least gave up the ghost that he didn’t care so much about what is right and more of what works, like a chuddier adult in the room thing.

    EDIT: Almost immediately after posting I realized mind flayers were a bad example

  • I know the sign you’re talking about.

    If porky needs me so badly that he would die if a single employee took one unpaid day off, then imagine all the extra cash we can yank out of that pig’s trotters if multiple workers threatened to not go to work unless he parted with some of his precious cash stack.

    Sorry bossman, my landlord needs this money more than you. Don’t like it? Take it up with my landlord.