FunkyStuff [he/him]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2021

  • If anything, the opposite is true. The left was much stronger than it is now under FDR, and the New Deal didn’t really kill any momentum for the left by itself, instead the Red Scares and McCarthyism had to perform that function. However, under neoliberalism, workers in the imperial core have turned more reactionary and often incorrectly prescribe blame on immigrants for their poor employment numbers and stagnating wages. The poor understanding of globalism leads people to believe that their enemy is the sweatshop worker in Indonesia, instead of the shareholder in Wall Street. The left can offer an alternative paradigm for the people that fall into that reactionary trap by showing that development isn’t a zero sum game, we can have manufacturing at home without protectionism, xenophobia, and imperialism holding the international working class back.

  • There is absolutely reason to capitulate: the fact that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have an average age above 40 and are absolutely scraping the barrel by conscripting any poor man they find. There is no universe where Ukraine pushes back the front to recover any substantial amount of territory. They have already attempted to launch counteroffensives in better conditions, and all they’ve achieved is to slow down Russia, never actually regaining any territory. The only reason they’re even in the war still is because NATO wants to sacrifice Ukrainian lives to weaken Russia, and corrupt Ukrainian politicians are making a quick buck by privatizing they country in the meantime. This is obviously not sustainable long term; in another year or two they won’t be able to recruit more people, or they’ll run out of artillery shlels.

  • PR feels like IRL Revachol sometimes. The NPP the article mentions is by far the dominant party because of brain drain, half of the gen X people who’d vote for the feckless lib colonialist PDP left the island years ago. But the NPP is currently on a crusade to privatize our energy infrastructure as thoroughly as they can, and the party is split according to which American company they want to sell to. The winning candidate, JGO, is a corrupt POS Republican aligned bootlicker who has spent, to my knowledge, grovelling at the feet of gringo overlords, and wants to sell generation off to Genera PR (only transmission and distribution were privatized previously under LUMA Energy).

    But to make matters worse, the left is extremely weak and made up almost entirely of students. The brain drain problem means that even though some people grow up in radicalizing conditions, they just leave to Florida where they’re drowned out by gusanos anyway. Bleak stuff. tequila-sunset