I remember when Stray was first revealed. I was confused because it reminded me of a Tumblr art post of a cat in an alleyway with a similar game concept that I saw in the early 2010’s. Lo and behold, it was early concept art for Stray, waaaaay before it was a legitimate project. This may have been one of the pictures they shared.
Apparently his name is Amarant Coral. I can never remember his name either.
I wish I could scrub my eyes from this pain.
still upvotes
I am new to this community and so glad I found a place dedicated to artwork. I am a huge fan of game art, official or otherwise. It was disappointing to find AI-generated artwork is allowed here though, considering it steals from artists and does not credit them. I’m sorry if this isn’t the right way to discuss this, or if I’m being the vocal minority.
Also recommend checking out Ghost Story Games’ announced title Judas if you haven’t already.
I apologize. This morning, whatever search terms I used, brought back many articles stating they were debunked. This afternoon with different search terms, I am seeing more back and forth on the validity of these tests. It’s also not something I have heard psychologists use in regards to mental health.
It’s been debunked as an inaccurate measurement of intelligence so it feels more like a Buzzfeed quiz result nowadays.
It has been a long time since I’ve seen someone mention their IQ score unironically.
I just subscribed today but I think these rules feel very solid, along with the intent behind them. I especially like the rule about reposts as I don’t like seeing repeated content over and over, regardless how much time has passed in between said posts.
“Love” is a strong word but it was incredibly useful for gaming news and is the site all the Tumblr artists flocked to when Yahoo banned female presenting nipples.
Oh, for sure. That’s what I keep telling him.
Please give Gizmo a slice for me.
Plate on pillow. Eat directly over plate. Shake out blanket off bed if necessary.
Thank you! It was a gift that has been put to good use.
I hope your day is now better and that you’re not still sitting on the toilet.