A writer lurking.
To be clear I don’t mean to shit on the platform, I’m just approaching it with a lot of cynicism.
It seemed to me you meant to imply that you, unfortunately, dislike Julian Assange?
associate themselves with Wikileaks and/or Julian Assange
What’s wrong with that?
There’re different reasons you can yearn for something tho. What you seek in yearning for it. A stable job for example (and an educational path that guarantees employability). Universally accessible housing. Targeted addressing of local problems, like quick relief efforts after a disaster etc…
As for freedom of the press, you only have one now if you colour within the lines. Just ask Julian Assange.
You have to remember the Soviet parliament was democratically elected by the people and popular after the dissolution too. It had to be literally firebombed out of existence by a U.S puppet.
Who am I becoming from this work?
A wage slave.
I actually thought NFTs get at least somehow watermarked with the buyer’s crypto wallet address inserted into the image, or that the address of purchase on the blockchain is needed to then unlock the final goods… but apparently not even that…
Not really. GPL is a left wing license. It literally enforces cooperation, and collaboration, which’re communal values, rather than individualism.
I don’t think it’s the best approach to promote Element specifically, but rather Matrix.org, which does have good mobile clients, like Fluffychat on iOS, and good desktop clients, like Mirage.
Fake?! https://youtu.be/ydSf57SRtcQ