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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 2nd, 2024


  • Well hell man I thought that it was obvious that Bill Gates’s Windows 11 version of 5g is what gave the illegal trans dogs HIV and sentience by allowing the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to bus HIV-positive migrant sex workers to the farm where them dogs got hand jobs and subcutaneous trackers giving them opposable thumbs and an insatiable thirst for fine upstanding white women so to spread the AIDS and replace us with all sorts of brown people from the subcontinent. When Trump wins we can deport them all back to Mexico where they can eat them spicy chili beans and dance around their hats. I ain’t getting replaced by some chili bean eaten half Mexican half Haitian half Venuviouswaylen HIV-positive illegal trans dog that eats Haitians from Ohio.

  • I can tell you exactly how it will play out. They will move all the “immigrants” to centralized tent cities like the cunt in Arizona used to house prisoners. Then they will build border camps to act as transit stations and start moving people there to then push them back across the border. Then as they crow about how efficient and well their machine runs countries like Mexico will tell the US to get fucked and won’t take the “immigrants.”

    Somewhere in there, someone with private prison donors will come up all by their lonesome with no help from private prisons that these “immigrants” on the border would make for cheap labor to build a border wall, and oh, by the way, we could rent this “immigrant” labor out to farms to pick crops.

    Eventually, they will run out of “immigrants,” and they will start on suspected “immigrants” and naturalized citizens because did they really do it legally, or did those dirty Dems just green light the green cards? Basically, brown people better have papers or you go back to brown people’s land.

    All that will end in some good old slave labor because let’s face it, USA loves it some slave labor. And if they start dying just don’t worry about it, you can be assured they did the very best they could to save those dirty subhuman brown peo…I mean “immigrants.”

  • I got my leg fucked up in a hot sandy land far away. While I was doing rehab I used a cane and walked with a limp. One day I was walking out of an HEB in Houston when a dude dressed like Huggy Bear told me he liked my strut and then told me to “keep on pimpen playa.”

    In retrospect, it sort of makes sense as my limp with the cane looked like I was doing that stereotypical pimp walk but at the time I was very confused lol