Least bloodthirsty liberal
I wish the Brain Scorcher was real and would cure my depression
Least bloodthirsty liberal
Shart Shitizen by Fart Cloud Bazingarium
When the fuck do they expect me to do this / Perhaps I can work late
Ask me if I give a fuck / Of course, I’m concerned
We are pleased to welcome new members to the #resistance, Lee Atwater and Roger Stone
to all Amerikkkan politicians
Plus some models have ring scanners :
which makes your job cooler than it is
We used to maintain those at my last job, they are still used in big grocery chains for inventory purposes
Wasn’t that Ivy league asshole one of Peter Thiel’s bloodboy?
Watching 4chan losers preach harm reduction and lesser evilism is really funny
The campaign promise of being a rampart candidate against the far right (so nothing)
Ahah yes, they have no idea about Cuban history before the revolution, even after, it’s probably reduced to ‘satellite gommulist dictatorship’
Trans Napoléon and their grognards fighting like demons at Cultureloo
If you like that Hellfire missile, uh, you can keep it!
More like ‘some of their grandchildren’ given Hunter’s record
The Ruzzian have sicced the Monolith on poor Joe’s cortex
We need those machines we need those machines we need those machines
Is Cheryl Hines gonna have to choke a bird?..
Very based, thanks for the tip