Giorgia Meloni is trying to position herself as a mediator between America and Europe, which honestly I think is a fool’s errand, but it is in line with her Atlanticist foreign policy.
I would have personally preferred a real, firm, statement towards Ukraine’s support but until we’ll have people like Salvini - a Putin’s lover - and his ‘Lega Nord’ party in the government it is infeasible to expect it.
At the same time FdI (Meloni’s party) has historically been pretty pro-ukraine, so I will be very surprised if something is not going to happen in the next few days.
Remember that this quote is from Crosetto, the current Minister of Defence, just a few days ago: “Peace, however, must not mean humiliating a free people who have done nothing but die and sacrifice to defend themselves.”
I’m not in line with their national policies - by a wide margin - but currently Meloni’s party and the Partito Democratico are the only pro-ukraine voices in Italian politics with some weight
It’s depressing.
I don’t really know how I feel about those root-like teeth, probably a bit uncomfortable, but that’s art.
Awesome work!