Dev & Creator | Discord: naomi.kho | 日本語少しわかります | Owner of Blahaj

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • Naomikho@monyet.cctoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlWhoops
    8 months ago

    I actually screwed up twice on dev environment. Luckily the second case was salvageable without using data from an old backup(I wasn’t given one that time) and I managed to sweep it up fast.

    I started testing my queries super carefully after the first incident, but I was too tired once that I forgot to restrict the update scope for testing and screwed up again.

  • This literally happened in my meeting last week. Top position development manager was complaining the existing thing was shit. Basically means we have to build a new thing from scratch. And guess what? The deadline is 12 Sep.

    If you think it was shit why did you let them do what they did in the past?

  • Competitive games ruin the mood a lot for me. I know it differs from person to person, but as a person who usually takes games seriously it’s hard for me not to care about my skill within the game. It took me a pretty long period to stay away from competitive/skill-based gaming(fps and rhythm games) to be able to treat games as a casual thing.