• 2 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 25th, 2024


  • You would go for a Raspberry Pi when you need something it was invented for.

    Putting a computer on your motorcycle or robot or solar powered RV. Super small space or low-low power availability things, or direct GPIO control.

    A MiniMicro will run laps around a Pi for general compute, but you can’t run it off a cell phone battery pack. People only related Pis to general compute because of the push to sell them as affordable school computers, not because they were awesome at it, because they were cheap and just barely enough.

  • PassingThrough@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlGet rich quick
    19 days ago

    Forgive me, I’m no AI expert to fully compare the needed tokens per second measurement to relate to the average query Siri might handle, but I will say this:

    Even in your article, only the largest model ran at 8/tps, others ran much faster, and none of these were optimized for a task, just benchmarking.

    Would it be impossible for Apple to be running an optimized model specific to expected mobile tasks, and leverage their own hardware more efficiently than we can, to meet their needs?

    I imagine they cut out most worldly knowledge etc/use a lightweight model, which is why there is still a need to link to ChatGPT or Apple for some requests, would this let them trim Siri down to perform well enough on phones for most requests? They also advertised launching AI on M1-2 chip devices, which are not M3-Max either…

  • PassingThrough@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlGet rich quick
    19 days ago

    Onboard AI chips will allow this to be local.

    Phones do not have the power to ~~~

    Perhaps this is why these features will only be available on iPhone 15 Pro/Max and newer? Gotta have those latest and greatest chips.

    It will be fun to see how it all shakes out. If the AI can’t run most queries on the phone with all this advertising of local processing…there’ll be one hell of a lawsuit coming up.

    EDIT: Finished looking for what I thought I remembered…

    Additionally, Siri has been locally processed since iOS 15.


  • PassingThrough@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlGet rich quick
    20 days ago

    I think there’s a larger picture at play here that is being missed.

    Getting the weather is a standard feature for years now. Nothing AI about it.

    What is “AI” is, Hey Siri, what is the weather at my daughter’s recital coming up?

    The AI processing, calculated on-device if what they claim is true, is:

    1. the determination of who your daughter is
    2. What is a recital? An event? Are there any upcoming calendar events that match this concept?
    3. Is the “daughter” associated with this event by description or invitation? Yes? OK, what’s the address?
    4. Submit zip code of recital calendar event involving the kid to the weather API, and churn out a reply that includes all this information…

    Well {Your phone contact name}, it looks like it will {remote weather response} during your {calendar event from phone} with {daughter from contacts} on {event date}.

    That is the idea between on-device and cloud processing. The phone already has your contacts and calendar and does that work offline rather than educating an online server about your family, events and location, and requests the bare minimum from the internet, in this case nothing more than if you opened the weather app yourself and put in a zip code.

  • Plug it into a monitor or TV and keep an eye on the console.

    I have an older NUC that will not cooperate with certain brands of NVMe drive under PVE…the issue sounds like yours where it would work for an arbitrary amount of time before crashing the file system, attempting to remount read-only and rendering the system inert and unable to handle changes like plugging a monitor in later, yet it would still be “on”.

  • I’ll go first:

    Which Linux?

    I’m familiar enough with Linux from a server and shell standpoint, Debian, Rasbian, Ubuntu et al…I have a Steam Deck, so there’s some locked down Arch experience too.

    Of the bunch, the Deck and Flatpak frustrate me the most, always having to “hack” apps with Flatseal and try to break the sandbox to get full functionality sometimes. Yet on the server side I love docker/podman and the ability to bundle apps and dependencies etc.

    Since I know it makes a difference, my latest build went full AMD, so I don’t need Nvidia support.

    Other than that I think I’m just a good NVMe sale away from trying to dual boot myself into transitioning to a Linux primary desktop, though I know I’ll need to keep a stripped down Windows dual boot for those games that just won’t work on Linux.

    Oh, but I’ll miss my peripherals the most I think. Not everything has Linux support, least of all my Elgato Stream Deck, which I’ve become accustomed to as a superior macro board(with other useful applets that will certainly not work without Elgato support).

  • Perhaps because of Imgur, my and perhaps others clients aren’t even loading the image. I just see a long rectangle with a question mark box.

    I just assumed it was a dead/broken link and kept scrolling at first…

    EDIT: taking a quick scroll through your posts, I see this is true for all but two of your posts, and those working ones have hundreds of upvotes, so we may be onto something here…

  • My understanding is that this is a rage-baitey misunderstanding.

    Yes, they are renaming the base game (to improve search results, it is speculated) but otherwise this is more of a soft-reboot, a free DLC(for owners of current DLC) with some core mechanic overhauls.

    It’s not even going to stop being an MMORPG, the marketing team was just allergic to the acronym for some reason.

    In fact, it was confirmed that for base game players without DLC, this is all just a big nothing. We’ll still keep our progress and data, just not get any new DLC content(obviously), though the rebalancing will still trickle down.

    New World isn’t shutting down, it’s getting a new DLC and a less generic name, the marketing guys just tried to oversell it like a new game. Guess they earned their bonus because everyone is talking about it now…

  • Genuine curiosity…what are some proposed solutions we think Valve can implement to solve this crisis?

    I ask because the line about VAC being a joke gave me a thought…VAC is such a joke because it is so simple and un-invasive. Do we really want VAC “upgraded” to the level of more effective Anti-cheats, where it cuts down the bots but is now a monitoring kernel service? Just a few weeks ago people were in an uproar about the new Vanguard anti-cheat…do we want that for Valve? Or do we think they can do it a better way?

    As an aside, honestly in my mind community servers with a cooperative ban list plugin might be the most effective solution of all…it would still be a game of whack a mole since they can always churn out new accounts, but that’s what gives me pause about other solutions because the only real solutions to slow cheaters start to sound like charging for the game(to make account creation costly) or implementing a bulletproof system of hardware bans, which means invasive solutions that can be certain they aren’t virtual machines or such.

  • That’s right. Had Steam Deck run Windows, or even for those that install Windows and join the survey, they would be lumped in with the Windows metric and nobody would care as it would be a drop in the ocean.

    Linux is the underdog, always has been, maybe always will be. So any uptick in metrics is far more significant than a twitch in the Windows numbers and gets a more exciting response. I think the problem is many don’t see it as true adoption when Steam Deck has such a console-like experience for a lot of users…for the naysayers it is like including PlayStations in the survey and saying FreeBSD users are everywhere. Technically yes, but also no, right?

    That doesn’t make a great example because you don’t even have the option to exit PlayStation and use BSD, but I hope it gets the idea across.

  • Absolutely. You can even throw the telephone in there. At the start it was a great way to reach Grandma across the country or the doctor across town. Now most of the traffic on it is robots and extortionists trying to fool Grammy into giving her money for some lie or another.

    I don’t even answer my phone for numbers anymore…be on a short named contact list, leave a voicemail reminding me you are someone I should put on that list, or nothing doing. Sucks for anyone putting me down as an emergency contact though…

    And I feel TV being 25% ads is being pretty conservative…oh, but streaming! Swap the ads and channels you don’t want for a higher per-channel price and no ads…oh, wait, now you get a higher price and the ads!