ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023


  • They don’t. One of the many, many things that sucks about D&D is that it’s the most recognised, so people think it’s a good place to start with TTRPGs.
    It’s not. It has most of the complexity of a crunchy game like PF2e, but no mechanical unification, so every action has its own rule, rather than similar actions just being small variants on the same. Rules are often specific, applying only to certain situations, but still vague, forcing the DM to decide how they’re actually meant to be applied. Similarly, it’s very crunchy and combat focused but combat is pretty barebones, just being a case of standing in front of an enemy and hitting it until one of you falls over. Could be either you or the enemy, the balance is skewed at best.
    As if there weren’t enough mechanical problems, the lore stagnated after 3.x, and wasn’t that deep even then; The Forgotten Realms setting in particular is extremely barebones once you’re off the Sword Coast, and regularly leans all the way over to downright offensive. Like ye olde minstral show racism in stuff printed in the last 5 years. And they charge you a fucking arm and a leg for everything, so, like you say, you need to pay like $150 just to play in a homebrew setting.

    You don’t want to play D&D. If you do, you want to play Pathfinder 2e, Savage Worlds, or Shadow of the Demon Lord/Weird Wizard instead. Pathfinder in particular has great fey lore, even if you pick a different system it’d be worth looking at Kingmaker for fey storyline ideas.

    What you probably want is something like Fate or Monster of the Week, a more storytelling focused system that isn’t so balanced around parties. FitD games would also be worth looking at.

  • I just want to be absolutely clear here, to make sure that you fully understand the question, because your answer suggests you don’t: It’s not couple of weeks a year, it’s just a couple of weeks, right at the start, and it’s not a holiday, you have to look after the baby at its most helpless during those extra weeks of leave. Are you sure that you consider a few extra weeks of looking after a child to be worth 18 years of looking after the child? Like I’m not doing a silly hypothetical where I ask if you consider yourself more or less likely to consider having a child in future, I am asking you, personally, if you will be having a child and raising it should men recieve more paternal leave.

  • The Lore’s always been kinda murky, but I understand the original frames were made by infecting people with the helminth strain of the technocyte virus (e.g excal umbra, some of the primes), which are what the tenno connected with, but then they were used as blueprints to mass produce frames without the person. The ones you build in your foundry are copies, so you’re just returning a lump of infestation to the original mass for it to reabsorb and learn from.

    There haven’t been many major updates since the new war, so you’re not actually all that far behind. Lots of hot fixes, QoL, and updates to bring the content islands closer together. Nothing earth shattering, but some improvements.

    Seeing as you’re coming back, might as well start with the veilbreaker content that follows on from the new war - archon hunts are the new sorties and Kahl’s missions are mini new war sections with various challenges, both weeklies. Zariman kinda sucks as a hub, but the missions are trying something new. Albrecht’s lab is similar, but better executed, and has an extreme difficulty weekly if you’re into that kind of challenge. Duviri offers a new version of open world without dailies, but the cool stuff from steel path does require a daily rep grind from the Zariman.

  • This is completely standard, Paizo have always given the rules for free and made you pay for the stories and lore.
    It’s not even a starter set, it’s the playtest, so you already need to be familiar with Pathfinder 2e in order to use the rules. Definitely not a place for a group to test the waters, they’re looking for serious dweebs to obsess over the maths and mechanics so they can refine it - the playtest adventure(s) are just playgrounds for them to do that it.