Well put, I really like this thought and never came across it before.
Well put, I really like this thought and never came across it before.
Not sure things are as open source as they let on… https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/07/nvidia-maintains-its-distinct-version-of-open-with-latest-kernel-modules/
The wall is looking at you funny
You grew some nice food and they enjoyed it, we all share the space, it’s annoying but they are not your enemy
They really don’t realize that Charles Darwin was Christian, how convenient
This feels more like FuckCarPeople
Sazerac - basically a Louisiana old fashioned
From the article it seems like they’re doing what Mozilla did with all their logos a while ago, they are just getting a sense of what people prefer with the survey, but in the End SUSE will be deciding what the new logos will be.
Cheeses of Nazareth
Reeder app for Apple devices. Been using since v2 and it’s on 5. I appreciate an app that has a reasonable price for killer features, actually gives significant updates for new versions, and doesn’t have a subscription model. https://reederapp.com/
I always disliked the crazy number of awards when they came our, it felt like they all suddenly became meaningless when there were so many. I will miss gold though, getting that shit always made you feel like a celebrity
I’m sure there’s something out there, but I don’t know what it is. I would encourage your friend to try it out as is. If they try to make Firefox look and feel like Chrome then they will inevitably just want Chrome back. Instead, if they try out things from the Firefox way of doing it they will actually see if they like it for what it truly is. At least, I’ve found the most success with browsers that way, let them shine for what they are and see which I like. Change is always hard, especially in something you use for hours on end every day, but maybe with your encouragement they will be open to it.
Four months