I seemingly have a complete disregard for anonymity.
I seemingly have a complete disregard for anonymity.
Until I saw the sub I thought this was going to be a question about what to call the postal officer now that we live in a modern society where women are trusted to stuff letterboxes as well as men. Postie is of course the answer to that.
The football/soccer sub isn’t niche on Reddit obviously but it is absolutely tiny here (on the plus side, it’s managed to claim its rightful name this time. Suck it, gridiron)
As for my team, Everton, well… Lemmy’s probably not miserable enough for us to be well represented just yet.
He’s pretty much the holy grail footballer for Saudi Arabia though, they would pay an even more ungodly amount for him to join than we’ve seen so far
What did you do to your colleague to deserve that?
StumbleUpon and RSS feeds were my go to for internet aggregation before I ended up on Reddit.
I drive a little Skoda so I’m very cautious on those little roads, don’t have the same feeling of safety as the great big SUVs that barrel along
I drive on a lot of rural roads in the UK, mainly Wales, most of the time I’m just happy when the road has space for two cars to squeeze through and some visibility for what’s coming around the corner of that rural lane. Actual physical lines separating the lanes? Oh boy it’s my birthday. Yet with all that, we have a death rate per 100 million miles of just over a third of somewhere like the US, so I’d imagine the size of cars and inadequate licence requirements are probably bigger issues for road safety
My first assumption was that they’d made coffee flavoured cookie dough with different levels of roast (think my mind turned the chopping board in to a countertop)
The thing I find with discussion on here is that although most threads have way fewer comments and especially top level comments, I’m way more likely to get a response and end up in some kind of discussion than on Reddit where most of the time you just get lost in a sea of comments. Also think comments tend to be more conversational, less memey, less aggressive etc, just generally nicer.
Yeah sorry I meant to say I know I’ve seen it mentioned as a factor before, didn’t know whether it’s actually true or not. If that’s not a factor, get on it Murica.
A decent set of precision kitchen scales, and some general use scales that don’t have a massive delay on them #WeightSupremacist4Lyf
But seriously, fuck you, measuring cups. Fuck. You.
A kettle is such a default kitchen item in the UK that I find it kinda crazy that it’s not standard somewhere like the US, though I know I’ve seen the difference in base voltage being a factor before.
Boost won’t be, it was a buy once type deal with the reddit client he made
If you can think of a stupid opinion you can find a redditor that holds it, that’s just what happens when you have a huge terminally online community.
I’m alright with connect for now, Boost is the only one I’d pay for
Oh hey, that’s why so many of them are also white supremacists and mysogynists
I’ve always heard it as Joe Bloggs. The Bloggs bot is believed to be a derivation of bloke
He’s not even Norwegian, he’s from Denmark.
My dream car has been the Jaguar XK8 for a solid 20 years, my understanding is that they’re about as reliable as an all electric Renault but 10 year old me was more focused on the beauty and so is 30 year d me.