Finished today my closed furniture. A floor to ceiling kind of wardrobe made (very simply) with wood.
Finished today my closed furniture. A floor to ceiling kind of wardrobe made (very simply) with wood.
This is for Gentoo but very applicable to your case as well:
Go swimming… Much better overall and pair wonders with running!
… Then pickup cycling and start triathlon…
I use this extensively.
I whish you could control many thermostats with many external termometers… But I need to run many copies of this automation, one for each room of my house!
Works very well.
Its still censorship and I don’t like it…
But the good of the fediverse is that I can spin my instance and don’t deal with that!
And I love it.
Here in northern Italy 10 medium eggs (free range) go for 1,99€. At a normal discount supermarket.
Lemmy.world. i serioisly despise their de-federating from inatances.
Well, any other instance censuring other ones just because (insert your cause here), so not really anything against world in itself.
Thank you! This is really interesting, will look into it.
I have heard of headscale, and agree that would fix my allergies.
But I don’t have a use case for that either, so…
Maybe in the future, who knows.
Thank you, I am allergic to tailscale (joking).
I already selfhost lots of stuff for family and friends using reverse proxy+https a public domain(s) and a VPS tunneled back (wireguard) home since I am behind CGNAT. And authelia on top of it all.
My setup should be safe enough also for a Lemmy instance.
Ok, indeed, will go with latest for sure, thanks
Thanks! I have a more powerful hardware than a pi, how is it about bandwidth?
I will have two, maybe three users.
No, non puoi fidarti a meno che tu lo conosca e sappia che è onesto.
Io compro tramite un ragazzo che fa il gommista, ma che conosco personalmente. Una volta ho avuto urgenza e mi sono dovuto rivolgere a un gommista e mi ha rifilato una discreta sola.
Ho un bosh da 8 anni e va benissimo.
Non ho altre esperienze però.
Incazzarsi e fare scenate è controproducente. Trattarla male e farsi beccare, pure.
Ignorala e vivi la tua vita. È lavoro, dopotutto, lavoriamo per uno stipendio e non viviamo per lavorare.
Io sarei sempre gentilissimo e lei darei retta esclusivamente in proporzione a quanto “peso” può avere lei nei miei confronti, sul piano lavorativo.
Non sarei mai scorretto verso di lei ma limiterei al minimo qualsiasi interazione.
No please, hover links are just useless to tablet and mobile users, anybody without a mouse actually!
Agreed, if I can find the same item on other sites, its usually the same price or cheaper there.
I canceled my prime membership due to this, and found out that well, yes, you can buy anything elsewhere.
At least we know they censor.
What topics are censored by ChatGPT and we are not aware of them?