Should have paid attention to the Whiz Kids, they did that in 1983 in “Return of the Big Rocker”
Should have paid attention to the Whiz Kids, they did that in 1983 in “Return of the Big Rocker”
Never get bitten by mosquitoes man.
B-side Man
I still don’t understand why the smart engineers who created the thing loaded it with out-of-this-world functionalities but when you plug in a USB key, it can only play mp4 files, all distorted.
you forgot the next pandemic
All correct! But don’t forget our friend “Pinco Pallo”! 😉
one word (and a number): WarGames (1983)
Of course it may be, but after studying other types of government I am still convinced that ours is quite good. My point is that no matter how good a government is, at the end of the day it is run by people, and people are not perfect.
man, exactly what substance did you get? asking for a friend
As an Italian, I can assure you that the structure of our government is good, the Constitution is top-notch, and the whole system is a masterpiece of art.
Unfortunately, the entire thing is plagued by politicians, so it is falling apart.
good for her… I had food poisoning once and it took weeks for me to recover
AFAIK people in Japan shower sitting, maybe other nations as well
Well, first things first, it is not a “simple” philosophical question. The best minds of humanity have been tackling this problem since forever, and there is still no definitive answer yet.
Ironically, for all the religions since the dawn of time, some kind of evidence for free will has emerged from the frontiers of science. Quantum mechanics, for instance, is based on the fact that at the subatomic level, nothing is known for sure. Therefore, the “initial conditions” issue is no longer true.
Someone with a greater intellect than mine once stated that the quantum nondeterminism underlying the functioning of the human brain could be the key to freeing it from the conundrum of cause and effect. In other words, yes, we have free will. Suggested readings: “The Elegant Universe” by Brian Greene, “Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid” by Douglas Hofstadter, “The Book of Job” in the Bible.
Just my 2¢…
Austin Powers
Make Colossal stop messing with the mammoth and instead bring us back the Giant Sloth!