dumpster_dove [he/him]

Please do not read this.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 10th, 2023


  • I’ve been playing The Outer Worlds recently, and if I’m being honest it’s a little bland.

    The hypercapitalist space dystopia is fun to laugh at and all, but after reading the nth message log about a company cutting corners and abusing their workers for greater profit it gets monotonous. Also, it’s all so similar to Fallout that it could almost be called plagiarism. They even do a kind of 50s/60s aesthetic.

    The item system is cluttery, there’s too much of the generic consumables you need like ammo, lockpicks and weapons, and there isn’t much excitement in scouring boxes with loot. When you find a new weapon type, there’s bound to be 5 others of the same type close by.

    I’m playing on hard difficulty, and apart from the early parts of the game the combat hasn’t really been much of a challenge. I try to do stealth kills for fun, but honestly at level 20+ I could just run up to a bandit or monster group and take them all out with a machine gun without them getting much chance to do any damage.

    The colourful environments are nice though, and you can tell that the artists put a lot of effort into it. The Unreal Engine really shines in indoor environments.

    Thank you for reading.