don’t worry, you’re doing fine
don’t worry, you’re doing fine
If these people really think that all it takes to get wealthy is hard work then they have the chance soon to prove it by going to Mars starting from scratch and see whether they can get themselves wealthy again through hard work. If they don’t I guess they don’t deserve these riches anyways.
If there’s one homeless person on the street, people will say “they’re lazy, you need to work harder”. If there’s 100 homeless people on the street, people realize “something’s wrong with our society/system”, and demand change.
It is so disgusting. Print out this news article, stick it to your wall. Read it every day to remember why these people are a disease to society.
Yeah, good point. I’m often surprised how different the life circumstances and personal views and opinions of two people can be, who sit very close to one another on a bus or public transport. It’s often incredible how much cultural diversity and diversity in life experiences there exists in a society.
Das ist effektiv gleichbedeutend wie eine Firewall am Router zu installieren, die erwünschte bzw. unerwünschte Websites selektiert.
no tf i’m not gonna spend minutes of my life reading a book with that title; just give me a summary.
I’m an anarchist but I’ve never wanted to hurt the people around me; so i’m not sure.
local bubbles are a thing. just because things are that way for you, doesn’t mean that they are that way for everybody. i’ve met a few unfortunate people in my life, who were just screwed over by the world around them.
I disagree because it only helps when you’re just having bad luck. But in this case, people are just actively being screwed over by greedy companies (, and that’s not a matter of good or bad luck); so to fight back would be the right thing to do.
Ich bin tatsächlich nicht so sehr für einen massiven Netzausbau da ein bisschen teuer (hab das jetzt mal überschlagsmäßig durchgerechnet und war überrascht wie teuer das wäre - muss es nochmal sicherheitshalber durchrechnen).
Eher bin ich für die flexibilisierung der Verbraucher. Heißt, das Stahlkraftwerk arbeitet mit Wasserstoff und dieser wird produziert, wenn der Strom grade billig ist (d.h. von 10:00 - 17:00) evtl. nur 7 Stunden am Tag. Derzeit heißt es zwar, das sei “nicht möglich”, aber das liegt zum größten Teil daran, dass sich noch niemand ernsthafte drüber Gedanken gemacht hat; vermute ich mal sehr.
Best thing not to have a coffee machine then.
So yes, increasing shareholder value is enshrined in US law. Only private corporations can get around that rule.
This is true, with one exception.
There are non-profit corporations. They have to declare that they are non-profit at the time of foundation, though. They have to write that in the statute (idk what it’s called in English, it’s “Satzung” in German).
three, on three different instances. It’s called redundancy.
Well, what we need is some dedicated non-profit company making chips.
Danke, das sage ich auch.
Der Wartungsaufwand, wenn man die TLD .org wählt, steigt mmn sehr stark an. Ideal wäre wohl .dach, aber das gibt es leider nicht. Daher schlage ich .at vor.
Two plates of rice or noodles with vegetables and salmon. Delicious. Actually, highest ROI that you could possibly hope to achieve in the universe.
Or “*RN” meaning river in western continental europe. That’s why we got Rhone and Rhein.
yeah you’re right i’m sorry i just got a bit too much emotionally triggered by the word “suicide”