impartial_fanboy [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2020


  • wen ur a srs anti-imperialist

    Oh please. A school board member has absolutely no bearing on foreign policy, sacrificing your political capital on performative displays of anti-imperialism will only alienate the people you are trying to get to join and make other potentially sympathetic board members not want to be associated with you or your policies (even if you’re just voting in the negative). The people you are trying to reach do not engage with party literature, they hear about PSL from twitter or some local news article which regurgitates whatever the party’s take is in the least flattering way possible. Playing into that by using the platform a (very) minor presidential bid gives you is just … naive at best.

    Maybe take one second to actually read about the rationale and tactics of the campaign.

    I did. I just disagree.

    One example. We raise a platform position - nationalize the 100 largest corporations, for example - and libs say “that will never happen even if you win, which you won’t because the system is stacked against you”. We say, “correct - we need a socialist revolution and the only historically proven way to do it is a Marxist-Leninist party”.

    Why would anyone believe that? Genuinely. Not to mention nationalization isn’t even a uniquely socialist policy. The only even nominally socialist state of any significance is China and, at the very least, their economy is as capitalist as apple pie. Promises are cheap. Change people’s material conditions for the better and then they will believe you, not before. I understand its hard work and doesn’t have the glamour of a protest or a presidential bid, but if we actually want things to change for the better then it must be done.

  • No I consider it a vanity ticket because they have no intention of really winning. You can’t use the same strategy as every other 3rd party and expect people to not just assume that your party is exactly the same as every other grifter.

    Pivoting to actually trying to win state ballots is a step backwards

    Then you gotta do institution building which, as far as I’m aware, PSL does not do.

    The goal of participating in bourgeois elections is to draw attention, nothing more.

    I fully agree. And the best way to do that is to win seats so you can throw a wrench (or three) into the system and block any policies that would harm the working class. Then propagandize on those tangible achievements so that you can demonstrate to people that you can actually offer them something beyond just having the ‘correct’ opinions. All the while trying to build parallel institutions which can eventually take over the functions of the state you are trying to dismantle so people aren’t afraid society will collapse if you take power, electorally or otherwise.

  • It’s fundamentally about utilizing the massive attention driven towards the presidential circus to promote a socialist platform

    This “massive attention” is fleeting and far more likely to produce a negative impression than a positive one. I understand they think they’re being clever. I’m saying its dumb and is counterproductive and makes them look just like every other bourgeois 3rd party and does in no way

    demonstrate the necessity of a Marxist-Leninist communist party

    Getting even just one measly school board position to fuck with conservatives to demonstrate that they’re actually serious about defending the principles they espouse and not just shouting foreign policy positions people find cringe would generate far more public goodwill than a presidential bid that can’t get full 50 ballot access (and even where they do get it they can’t even get their party name on the ballot) ever could.