• 91 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023


  • I have pond baskets I am thinking of using. They are a pot with lots of holes in them. Maybe a smaller pot would work better.

    The big issue I am running into, I live in rural NM and no access to parts. I have to look up everything online and finding a small version of anything pond related I difficult. I am going to start looking at aquarium parts since that stuff is inherently smaller.

  • If they were also sold unnamed it is possible my dad named him Mitchell (after the fishing gear) and after 45 years we assumed that he came named. Thank you for the links, I will be looking and seeing if there is more information that I do not know.

    I need to go into my storage shed and get out my LEGO bag and see if I can find any of the pieces. Only the chassis, doors, and windscreen are unique to this set/series. Everything else is (from memory) 2x4 bricks.