ratboy [they/them]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • Hell yeah I’m a former Banana Slug, proud that all the students, like your room mate and yourself, have been holding fast. UCSC has a long ass tradition of radical politics; when I was attending there always seemed to be TA strikes and other Cafeteria/Custodial strikes, sanctioned or wildcat. In the early 2000s there was a ton of ALF activity on campus too. As always tho, fuck 12 do-not-do-this

    Tangent: Back in the day UCSC didn’t even use a grading system; professors would write student summaries giving feedback about performance and progress. I think they were kinda forced into giving grades due to pressure from other institutions (people pursuing work or graduate level education at other universities etc). I had one professor provide me a feedback summary and it was so nice; like she ACTUALLY knew each student and took the time to know their work.

  • I mean, ice skating IS working out! It just doesnt feel like one because its fun lol. We never used to have to “work out”, we would just walk, run, jump, climb, row, push, all day long so we didn’t need to see it that way.

    I love riding my bike and playing tennis is really fun. I’ll piss my partner off because I don’t care so much about being good, I just love running all over the court lol. Plus with that you do a lot of lateral movement thay I dont think we do often in our every day lives. Bouldering is also really fun, kayaking/swimming too. Also just going on walks and hiking

  • I just recently saw a couple of posts on reddit that blew my mind with how condescending and downright hostile some folks were to someone asking an honest question on the fucking communism101 sub. Basically the person asking a question about if being a lawyer would be a good profession to get into to assist people and they were basically told that they just wanted to live a cushy life and were self serving, unethical, and basically gave the impression that whatever good they wanted to do was just liberal fantasy. I felt so bad for OP especially since it was a communism for beginners sub. There was a similar post on the regular r/communism where OP got their ass chewed out too. I can see getting annoyed with those types of questions but good lord did they leave a bad taste in my mouth.

    One person did post a pretty interesting article that has made me shift my perspective a bit but even in that they called social workers pathetic and like, how is that constructive at all?

  • I’m not familiar with the history of US interest in Ukraine but that does not surprise me. As someone seeing the war happen and knowing it was against Russia I figured it was about the “noble fight against communism” but combined with the fact that an aim is also to be a large scale weapons manufacturer sounds like there is gonna be much much more Imperialism to do besides fighting Russia.

    It just kinda tied things together for me yesterday learning about the natural resources in Gaza that Israel is likely after as well as conflicts like the Armenian genocide, the strengthening of US relations with other countries in the area, all of it

  • I see what you’re saying. I didn’t intend to make you feel that you needed to explain yourself in the way you did here; I think after reading through your comments again I understood much more clearly where you were coming from, and I appreciate you expanding on that even further for my benefit. My mind isn’t changed completely, but you do make very good points that I’d like to reflect on. I also wasn’t under the impression that you were trying to make anyone feel bad, and I’m sorry if I came off that way after this last response. I think a lot of my questions and statements were more rhetorical, I wasn’t trying to challenge you or change your mind, genuinely. Sometimes the way I express myself can come off more confrontational than it’s meant to be (to the exclusion of my first comment to you that was a dick comment and I feel bad for that). Anyway I respect the disengagement, and I appreciate your effort especially if it was frustrating for you, wish it wasn’t