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avatar by @Pozalhuysta@twitter.com, original can be found at https://www.extremelyfungible.com/lil-sweater-lads

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 27th, 2022


  • @Openmastering

    What would be a good system? A system that can realistically be implemented as of today.

    no system can be realistically implemented, thanks to the power of the copyright lobby, but if they weren’t so powerful, i’d like to see automatic copyright replaced with automatic CC BY-SA. it ensures that artists have to be credited for their work, while allowing a lot more freedom of culture. if copyright had to still exist, i’d like to see it be something that an artist/publisher would have to apply for. it would only be valid for one year, and you can apply for copyright restrictions a maximum of 20 times

  • @Openmastering

    Are you ready as a professional musician to accept people monetising your work without your knowledge, consent and without you getting anything?

    it’s going to happen anyway. the internet has made information slippery and difficult to control, and people are going to do that whether you like it or not. and that’s kind of the beauty of the internet, the ease of remixing things nowadays has brought about a cultural renaissance. copyright is failing anyway, might as well speed it along and keep up with the times as a creator

  • @Openmastering

    Copyright started when French composers noticed people were using their music and they didn’t get anything from it.

    i don’t know where you got that information from. according to University of Georgia School of Law professor L. Ray Patterson’s “Copyright and ‘the Exclusive Right’ of Authors” (link), the first copyright law was the Charter of the Stationers’ Company, created in 1556. it granted the Stationers’ Company the power to seize and burn presses and books, thus implementing a powerful tool for the government to censor subversive literature. the first copyright law was not about credit or getting paid, it was an authoritarian crackdown on literature

  • @tomasz it’s inaccurate to say that copying a digital file is theft. they’re not physical objects, which are finite and difficult to copy accurately. digital files are infinitely replicable, and someone copying your file doesn’t mean that you can’t use it. copying is positive-sum, unlike theft.

    a better question to ask is “is sampling music wrong?”

    it’s troubling to me to see building off of another’s work framed as a moral issue. all culture, all creativity is based on copying elements of each other’s work. creators call it being inspired by someone.

    i see no negative effects of sampling music, as long as it’s credited adequately. it brings attention to the song you sampled, and everyone wins. as long as you give credit where credit is due, it is morally unproblematic to sample music

  • @obbeel my daily driver is Pop OS and i’ve had no complaints whatsoever with it. it has a custom GNOME setup which adds some extensions for usability, adding desktop icons and a dock among some miscellaneous usability tweaks, but its best feature is Pop Shell, an extension that adds i3-like tiling. it’s entirely controllable with the keyboard or the mouse, and it has the ability to create tabbed windows too, which is really nice. it’s developed by System76, an indie computer company that genuinely puts a lot of care into their products, whether it’s hardware or software