Did you build it yourself? What OS did you use? Did you have internet access?

Feel free to outline the component brand names and model (if you remember them) and let us know if you still have access to the computer.

This was in Jan 1997. It was running Windows 95 (Windows 98 wasn’t released yet). No internet (we got dialup later in the year; maybe in the late summer). It was built by my parent’s colleague (company system admin), I was too young to build my own PC.

*Pentium I 133 MHz *1.5 GB HDD *CD-ROM Drive *FDD *Sound Blaster 32 (remember getting Sound Blaster Live! In the next build). *32 MB RAM *S3 ViRGE 325 (4 MB RAM if I remember correctly).

I think the colleague who built it sold it off when we got a new build.

  • dwindling7373
    1 month ago

    Macintosh 512k.

    One day my dad just came home with one of those because the company was swapping them out. I couldn’t have been older than 6 or 7 years old.

    Fun fact: I grew up to be a huge Apple hater. Despite being at the PC constantly ever since I’ve never got in the habit of typing with all my fingers.


    a Motorola MC68000 microprocessor at clock speed 7.8336 MHz

    512 KB of RAM

    512 × 342 pixels

    The Hard Disk was a whopping: 0 Tbyte. It had none, instead you had a system floppy. 400kb.

    But I had a plugin to ad an additional floppy that stored multiple softwares (and a incredibly huge library of videogames).

    • Alphane Moon@lemmy.worldOPM
      1 month ago

      Never got a chance to use systems without an HDD. Parents office had older 486 computers with Win 3.11 (circa 96), but they definitely had HDD.

      I would play around on they while waiting for mom to finish work.