• @pinknoise@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    Imo they’re right, but theres some weird (pro proprietary software) claims in there.

    If I ship an app for Windows I don’t have to include the entire Win32 or .NET runtimes with my app. I just use what’s already on the user’s system.

    Those cases are rare on windows, most apps package their own versions of dependencies just like with snap/flatpak/appimage (just not so neatly organized) and it sucks.

    Backwards compatibility is a major part of why Windows is still the dominant desktop OS.

    But thats also a major part in why it sucks and is insecure. Microsoft knows that and has started to break stuff with higher frequency too. You should only freeze interfaces when there is a consensus that there isn’t anything to be improved anymore. You can only build this consensus when you have a clear use case.

    I’d argue, that this is impossible for operating systems with desktop and all. So best you can do for backwards compatibility is to only put breaking changes in major versions and still maintain older ones. Of course that means you can’t have major versions to often and now people will complain that your software sucks because it can’t even do X.

    Microsoft does this too, but they often release a whole new product instead of version bumps. And by that they accumulate even more technical debt.

    Businesses actually care about this! They use ancient proprietary software that is critical to their business whose source code has long been lost to the sands of time.

    This isn’t a case that should be handled by FOSS developers, but by courts fining them for putting their employees, customers and business partners at risk! Running software that isn’t maintained by you or a third party is a liability.