• @Shaggy0291@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Civilisation is massively liberal, in terms of its approach to history.

    EDIT: Noticed Civ generated a fair bit of discussion. Anyone fancy sorting out some kind of scheduled multiplayer match? Could run it through the discord group.

          • Absolute
            51 year ago

            Civ III is still my favorite of the series after all these years and not just cause it has Mao and Stalin. Just the most mechanically tight and fun to play game

              • Absolute
                21 year ago

                I grew up playing III but never really understood it I guess until I came back to it more recently as an adult after playing far too much of IV, V and VI. I like III a lot I think because your toolkit is more limited and the efficiency of your play is more important, which is the part of the game I enjoy the most maybe. In the newer ones you have too many options to win and ways to get out of situations, and the AI can’t utilize most game systems very well it seems. The high difficulties in III are a real challenge and the mechanics feel good and logical to me once you get to know them. Maybe also some nostalgia with the soundtrack and graphics.

      • @lil_tank@lemmygrad.ml
        111 year ago

        Communism in the most recent civ game provides bonus for defending against opponents it’s wierdly based somehow since it associates communism with being under siege by imperialist powers

        But for the rest it’s truly a mess of “great men” bs

          • @lil_tank@lemmygrad.ml
            1 year ago

            Yeah you have to unlock them with the civics tree it’s like first you have the antiquity type governments like plutocracy/classical Republic then you have like monarchy/theocracy and idk what and in the modern age you’ve got communism/fascism and “democracy” which could be accurate if it was called “liberalism” instead

          • @PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
            1 year ago

            Communism in 6 is weirdly (for that franchise) correct though, it puts emphasis on production, which makes it best system since when you have production, everything else is coming automatically. I’m not even switching gov to next tier lol.

      • Anarcho-Bolshevik
        101 year ago

        The thing about Stalin in Civilization IV, aside from the typical liberal summary in the Civilopedia (barring the surprising mention of the proposed antifa pact with Britain and France), is that his A.I. is set to be belligerent and invasive for no good reason.

        I can only assume that the devs had a grossly oversimplified view of the assaults on Finland or the Baltics, because otherwise it is not only annoying, it doesn’t even make sense. Stalin wasn’t an adventurer‐conqueror like Augustus Caesar or Napoleon Bonaparte.