EDIT: please, if you don’t agree with the arguments in the video, come in and discuss, don’t just downvote the thread.

I found this video with many arguments supporting self-diagnosis validity and wanted to share.

Main point may be that there is no valid reason to look for a self-diangosis than the fact of being autistic, and needing support for that. At least until there will be equitable access to medical care, self-diagnosis is the only way for people to understand themself and understand the support they may need in their life.

But, there is much more in the video, take a look at it by yourself!

  • @moshtradamus666@lemmy.world
    34 months ago

    If you can’t get it you can’t get it, it’s that simple. Some people can’t get any medical assistance at all, and that’s a whole other discussion.

    OK, that sentence you mentioned was weird. What I meant was, the fact that doctors make mistakes don’t make doctors optional. There are legislations and standards for a reason. This argument is silly bacause it can be used for almost anything. Like, why have cops if people keep commiting crimes anyway?

    • @lgspOP
      2 months ago

      What I meant was, the fact that doctors make mistakes don’t make doctors optional

      honestly neither I, nor the author video said that.

      The topic (of this thread and of the video) is “is self-diagnosis valid?”

      To which I would answer: it depends, valid for what?

      • valid for legal accomodation on the workplace/school whatever? To this I would say no
      • valid for national health system treatment? Again, no
      • valid to have a label for others, to share experiences, to discuss, etc? Hell yes

      What do you think about this? Where do you see dangers? Why would you need official medical validation, if you don’t need any official treatment/help?

      • @moshtradamus666@lemmy.world
        04 months ago

        If it’s not valid for legal or health matters how is that valid? Now you are just playing with the meaning of the word.

        Self-diagnosing yourself with autism just because of some unusual behaviors is disrespectful to people who really struggle with the condition.

        If you don’t need treatments or special needs why would you feel the need to be in the same category with people who suffer severe impairment in socialization and everyday activities?

        Find something else to define your own uniqueness, that’s a serious subject.

        • @lgspOP
          2 months ago

          Self-diagnosing yourself with autism just because of some unusual behaviour

          What do you know about the suffering of people who self-diagnose? You are being disrespectful, and arrogant by stating something you don’t know.

          If you don’t need treatments or special needs why would you feel the need to be in the same category with people who suffer severe impairment in socialization and everyday activities?

          There is a lot of people who got officially diagnosed with autism at a later age, and didn’t need any accommodation of treatment. One typical case is when people get diagnosis after their kids get a dianosis. What do you know about their past? How you know they didn’t suffer their condition? Maybe they learned to get around the obstacles with a lot of effort and suffering.

        • zea
          54 months ago

          You seem to completely ignore the social aspect. If I spend my whole life an outcast, a weirdo, struggling with social cues, struggling to make friends, overwhelmed by stimuli, I might start to think I’m broken, or personally responsible for my faults.

          Autism explains that well and takes away the blame, as well as being a good summary to others AND a label with which I can find others like me and share/relate to experiences.

          Even if I don’t meet the medical definition, I don’t care, because it’s been such a useful lens and community for me learning about myself.

          • @moshtradamus666@lemmy.world
            -74 months ago

            Social aspect ?! LMAO ! It’s an identified mental disorder, not a social group like being emo or goth. You do need to meet a medical definition, please go see a therapist.

            • Apathy Tree
              4 months ago

              You…. Do realize that many symptoms of autism directly and negatively impact social interactions, right? Because that’s what they were saying, and it’s pretty damn clear in context if you have even the slightest awareness of autism. They were not arguing/supporting this straw man you created to attack. That’s just you taking shit out of context and twisting it to make yourself feel right. Poor form.

            • zea
              24 months ago

              You sound like a language prescriptivist, you should look into descriptivism.

              • @moshtradamus666@lemmy.world
                -54 months ago

                Let’s make deal, I look up whatever that is and you go study about autism spectrum desorder outside shallow social media posts, how does that sound?