
Brian Thompson, CEO of UnitedHealthcare, was fatally shot in a premeditated attack outside the New York Hilton Midtown before speaking at an investor conference.

The gunman, still at large, fired multiple times, leaving shell casings marked with the words “deny,” “defend,” and “depose.”

Authorities suggest Thompson was targeted but remain unclear on the motive. His wife confirmed prior threats against him.

Analysts speculate a possible vendetta tied to his company. The case raises questions about executive security, as Thompson lacked personal protection despite known risks.

    4 months ago

    Despite a fairly obvious motive in general before this news broke, and now confirmation it was because of their policies, they are doing zero soul searching or reexamination of why their policies became a motive

    Thompson’s killing quickly sent shockwaves through the corporate world, with corporate security heads gathering in a conference call to Wednesday.

    “Many of my colleagues today are sitting down with their executive protection team leaders, their security leadership teams, and re-evaluating what they are doing and not doing,” Dave Komendat, president of Seattle-based Komendat Risk Management Services

    Who had neo-Pinkertons on their 2020s bingo?

        4 months ago

        I was amazed to learn this one time.

        Pinkertons always sounded such a Old Western thing, then I googled them or something and realised I see their patrol cars and guards most days. (Securitas operates in Finland.)

          4 months ago

          Yeah, Securitas are huge. They are the second largest private security company in the world by revenue (the largest being G4S). I didn’t know they were THAT big until recently when I watched an investigate news/documentary report (by UG) on them

          It should however be noted that Pinkerton apparently operate as a subsidiary and does investigative and other Pinkerton stuff like normal. The Securitas you probably think of when you hear Securitas is still Securitas and not Pinkerton.

      4 months ago

      I mean they could stop hi fiving in the boardroom when their AI is denying care to people who have paid for insurance all of their lives.

      I don’t think murdering people in the street is a just act, though. Mainly because of same reason I didn’t think the government should be killing people–the error rate is too high and someone innocent gets killed.

      The Punisher would be a lot less cool of he left a trail of innocent people behind.

      That said, when I saw this happen I immediately thought of the UniteHealth AI denying elderly care story I had read the day or morning before.

      Healthcare boardrooms across the country have probably been celebrating the idea they can deny people like they’ve always done PLUS blame it on a computer, now. High five 🙏