Nah, hold that L. That is enough to completely change the circumstances of a person working for fast food wages. I respect doubling down when you are wrong but you are still wrong.
I wouldn’t. If I had a kid though I don’t know if I could make such a principled stance. I would for sure commit heinous crimes for thst kinda money, I think most bank heists get less than that nowadays. 60K would fix every problem I have. New glasses, new shoes, car fixed, debits paid, with enough left over to start a new school or training program and have a vacation to celebrate with a small ammoint saved for emergencies. As most people have zero emergency savings and lots of probelms that would absolutely change my life.
60k is not life changing. It’ll just make life easier for a year or two
It would pay the entirety of the median USAmerican rent for 3 years
Okay. Easier for 3 years.
Life changing is not free rent for a few years.
Life changing is being removed from your immediate circumstances. 60k. At most would make life a bit more bearable
Nah, hold that L. That is enough to completely change the circumstances of a person working for fast food wages. I respect doubling down when you are wrong but you are still wrong.
60k is not a lot. It just isn’t. If you guys think it’s a lot cool. I don’t.
Also what’s the tax status on these rewards? Gift or taxable? If taxable even less
Also if it’s actually life changing does that mean you would of narcd if the amount was 100% going to be given to you?
I wouldn’t. If I had a kid though I don’t know if I could make such a principled stance. I would for sure commit heinous crimes for thst kinda money, I think most bank heists get less than that nowadays. 60K would fix every problem I have. New glasses, new shoes, car fixed, debits paid, with enough left over to start a new school or training program and have a vacation to celebrate with a small ammoint saved for emergencies. As most people have zero emergency savings and lots of probelms that would absolutely change my life.
Or half of a single emergency room visit. Which I think may be appropriate, considering the circumstances.
It would be life changing for me
60K immediately would pay off a lot of debts one carries, so that’s pretty life changing in and of itself
Oh yes sure an entire two years’ pay, up front, isn’t life changing
You could at least start use it as a deposit on a flat, get a mortgage and pay equivalent of rent into it so you end up owning something
is this a bit?