The Western media gets these ideas from blindly throwing dildos at a whiteboard with random phrases written on it and you cannot convince me otherwise.
Lad there are 25 fucking million people living in the DPRK, be fucking realistic for once lmao
It’s nearly the same amount of people as The Netherlands and Belgium combined and we can see how hard it is with their state of the art intelligence services to keep track of every single individual.
Yes, they have technology but they don’t have Juche. It’s a lot easier for Kim to take extreme measures when all he needs to do is close his eyes and imagine.
Fake news about the DPRK that I wish was actually true
the ones getting porn probably get it from western sites too
so yes I support the horny police
Volcel vanguard protecting the revolution from horniness.
yes yes we know, and your brain will sizzle like eggs on a frying pan if you consume cannabis. Sure liberal, whatever you say 😏
To be fair, nobody sounds intelligent while smoking cannabis
So true 😂
bruh hear me out here, like, what if Jesus was the devil bro
like, he uses magic and shit to make people follow him and believe he’s the son of god but like, what if he was really just Satan because Satan can do all that shit too instead he just leads people away from god into a satanic cult that disguises itself as worshipping god when really they just worship Satan without realising
Sounds like lib logic on Ukraine
This is literally just the plot of Mandela Catalogue.
It wouldn’t make sense to do it secretly lol the whole point of death penalty is to intimidate people into not doing stuff
Finally, the horny police.
Horni-gulags are being built
finally, the war is being won
“Terminate the horny with extreme prejudice!”
I support.
I completely support this 😌👍🏼
That’s it, I’m moving to DPRK!
you won’t need “no nut november” if you’re dead in january!
they try to attack them, but it only makes them sound based