Sounds familiar…

The New York Times expressed astonishment that Hugenberg, an “arch-capitalist” who stood “in strongest discord with economic doctrines of the Nazi movement,” was suddenly in charge of the country’s finances. Hitler’s “socialist mask” had fallen, the Communist daily Red Banner proclaimed, arguing that “Hugenberg is in charge, not Hitler!” The weekly journal Die Weltbühne dubbed the new government “Hitler, Hugenberg & Co.”

As self-proclaimed “economic dictator,” Hugenberg kept pace with Hitler in outraging political opponents and much of the public. He purged ministries. He dismantled workers’ rights. He lowered the wages of his own employees by 10 percent.

Hugenberg didn’t care about bad press. He was accustomed to being one of the most unpopular personalities in the country.

    • The
      1 month ago

      we been warning about this for 10 years. the trump-hitler comps were not hyperbolic, no matter how many times you read it was fear mongering. we here in a really bad, really dangerous situation. the world needs to be ready for the things to come because things are about to get grim.

        1 month ago

        Iirc one of his wives reported him having a copy of Hitler’s speeches on his nightstand.

        Found an article:

        Mr. Trump has long expressed interest in the most notorious dictator of the past century, Adolf Hitler, whose Nazis also used that phrase. In a 1990 interview, Mr. Trump said he had a copy of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf,” although his first wife Ivana Trump and the friend who gave him the book said it was actually “My New Order,” a collection of Hitler speeches.