- Dating an abusive partner
- Abusive partner ruins your life
- Date a supportive reasonable partner
- Get bored with the lack of ‘excitement’
It’s almost like perpetual motion with both sides being complicit in keeping the circular motion going. Capitalism…what can you do?
It’s missing the third dimension. It may look like a circle, but it’s actually spiraling downwards.
definitely spiraling the drain…
It’s a bit like Brandolini’s law, recovering from a right wing government takes way more energy and sacrifice than the energy and sacrifice needed by the right wing government to destroy everything.
“Destruction is the work of an afternoon; creation is the work of a lifetime.” (Paraphrased)
“Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it was burned in one.”
(technically the Great Fire of Rome lasted 9 days, but ‘9 days’ is less pithy)
Oh don’t worry, Trump is breaking this cycle. This time, no recovery will be possible and no democratic president will be elected.
Nonsense. We fixed everything by abstaining in the election. Kamala realised she needs the support of the left in order to win, and adopted a socialist platform while moving to impeach Trump.
Bonus points that Demo(n)crats may even cease to exist entirely (Trump says his win gives ‘mandate’ for ‘far reaching investigation’ into Democrats).
Only if we let it happen.
Economic recovery is slow and uneven thanks to Republicans fighting and stalling every economic measure proposed in order to make Dems look bad and republicans extracting their own concessions from the Dem plan to make the plan weaker and put more money in rich people’s pockets.
And the Dem delusion, of course, that just one more compromise with the GOP will reset political relations between the parties to its pre-1990s configuration.
When Obama elected to reinflate the housing bubble rather than provide affordable housing it set the stage for biden’s loss. But the modern housing bubble began with Clinton.
It continued through multiple neoliberal administrations because those people value markets over anything else.
It’s never been like what’s happening now though, not even close. They’re breaking this cycle in the worst way. Plus dems weren’t just slow. They’re straight up comatose and have their own fair share of grifters further hindering any effective counter measures.
joe biden made a huge deal about how america had made a great recovery (and honestly kudos to him that he inherited the worst possible situation and made it better) but there was something incredibly tone deaf about acting like the problem was fully fixed and everything was going great. i think he would have been better off saying “i’ve done this much with a narrow majority. i want to do more to help you, the person making less than $238k, live comfortably, but for that i need more support from congress and more time”
saying everything was going great just told those people struggling it was never going to get better for them. obviously falling for trump is… embarrassing since he’s who made everything so awful in the first place (well not the first place. that honor goes to the establishment of a political and economic hierarchy 12k years ago), but still, joe biden opened a door for trump to come back. he opened it a little with his messaging, and opened it all the way by not doing anything to ensure any kind of consequences for doing a coup. what the fuck was everyone waiting around for? the gathering of evidence? why? we all saw it
That and the people voting for Trump had no fucking memory of how bad it was…
“We were better under Trump!”
“Really? Not knowing where your next roll of toilet paper was coming from was ‘better’?”
The problem was, neither Harris nor Biden encountered having to buy black market toilet paper out of the back of a car in a parking lot so they were unable to use that in their campaigns.
he opened it a little with his messaging, and opened it all the way by not doing anything to ensure any kind of consequences for doing a coup.
Also not going after price gouging. That and letting Trump go are the two big mistakes of his administration.
and not listening to his largely pacifist base that they weren’t fans of genocide
Oh yeah that too.
nearly every problem i have with the democrats is that even they know the strategy for winning:
- connect with the working people through grass roots efforts to connect with people and get votes
- offer economic populist policies and platforms
- create consequences for being nazis
but none of those attract big corporate donors, and the democrats care more about having a big purse than winning elections. i’ll say that again, but this time enbiggen it. THE DEMOCRATS CARE MORE ABOUT HAVING A BIG PURSE THAN WINNING ELECTIONS. i think the enactors of that scam know exactly what they’re doing, however, i think far too many democrats, even democrat voters, have fallen for that they need the big purse to beat the republicans at their game.
the problem is that the two parties are composed very differently and represent different things to their voters. republicans want a big strong daddy to come home and fix everything. democrats want to sit down and have a talk about how we can all fix everything together. these are not compatible visions for the future and they’re playing different games.
democrats don’t even seem to comprehend their own path to success. you frequently hear about how democrats win by increasing voter turnout. but they don’t seem to grasp how to get that. it’s actually quite simple. you give people someone they’re excited to vote for. the democratic primary system starts in the most conservative states in america and campaign finance tricks people into thinking what the fuck a church full of iowans thinks about elizabeth warren matters at all.
and look. the two parties are bad and worse. once you’re past the primary you do have to vote blue no matter who. i’m deeply frustrated with a lot of voters who figured out that the democrats are a scam but didn’t figure out that it’s still better to vote for them than risk the more dangerous scam. there’s a lot of blame for trump being president to go around.
i guess my point is that two few people, top to bottom and on both sides of the political divide, are really paying attention to what’s going on. even the people who say it’s their job to do that really don’t
Evidence that the American electorate cannot sustain its own democracy.
We have the same cycle here in Australia with our centre-right Labor and fascist-nazi Liberal parties.
You read that right - in Australia the conservative party is called “Liberal”. 1984 level lying…
Because it refers to economic liberalism.
Here in Brazil bolsonaro’s party is also called “Liberal Party”. Weirdly he was elected when in the Social Liberal Party.
Names don’t mean anything in political discourse.
you even find that in Hitler’s “national socialist” party
You read that right - in Australia the conservative party is called “Liberal”.
I mean… Everything is upside down there anyway, right?
That’s actually pretty common. In most countries liberal = less taxes, which is considered at least centre right.
You can replace this with the Union Jack and Democratic President with Labour Government and Republican President with Tory Government.
Although the current Labour government is pretty shit at making people believe they’re actually trying to improve things
Yeah they’ve got a really communication problem.
that’s an argument for the point lol