If I owned a Tesla right now, I’d be in a bad situation. I sure as hell no longer want to be seen in one. The market for them has crashed, and nobody wants to buy one used. If I could afford a Tesla, I’d surely have insurance… I’d be rooting for somebody to set that shit on fire
Nah fam. I hate Elon, but I love my 2020 model 3 like a child. I won’t buy another Tesla most likely, but I’m not selling A CAR for political reasons. That’s mr moneybags level shit. Especially since it’s bought and paid for.
I’m gonna drive this till it breaks. I saw one with 500,000km the other day on it. So who cares about after market.
I am old enough that I’ve bought and sold a bunch of cars. And not once has my choice involved “how will people assume who I am in this purchase.” Some have been a bad choice and others worked out. I don’t think people should buy new Teslas but I wouldn’t have the cash that I could fire sale a perfectly working vehicle just because people assume the car is the person.
Bruh, buying a car that is newer than 10-years-old is Mr. Moneybags shit. Look in the mirror.
Newer than 10y? I think that’s just poverty shit.
Buying a Tesla is a big expense and does indicate wealth. But it doesn’t mean the person has money to buy and sell new cars every 4 years. I drive cars till they die like any normal person. I just happen to be able to afford middle-expensive new cars.