If I owned a Tesla right now, I’d be in a bad situation. I sure as hell no longer want to be seen in one. The market for them has crashed, and nobody wants to buy one used. If I could afford a Tesla, I’d surely have insurance… I’d be rooting for somebody to set that shit on fire
Nah fam. I hate Elon, but I love my 2020 model 3 like a child. I won’t buy another Tesla most likely, but I’m not selling A CAR for political reasons. That’s mr moneybags level shit. Especially since it’s bought and paid for.
I’m gonna drive this till it breaks. I saw one with 500,000km the other day on it. So who cares about after market.
Bruh, buying a car that is newer than 10-years-old is Mr. Moneybags shit. Look in the mirror.
This is me, exactly. We’re leaving the country in the next 6-8 months and can’t justify selling it just to buy another car that we’ll then sell soon after. In the meantime, I get shit for “being a nazi” despite being a leftist. Good times.
Honestly, I love the car. We haven’t had any issues with it, it drives great, the features are nice, and the energy efficiency is top notch. I wish Elno would step down as CEO and/or die so we could take it with us, but I doubt he will.
I think that’s why there’s a stealmyteala.com website. An insurance payout would be better than market value, perhaps.
For now at least. But insurance payouts follow the market price of the car.
Gap insurance
That only helps you if you bought the car at the worst possible time. Outside of the first maybe year of owning a car you shouldn’t have any real appreciable negative equity. Even if the car is a massive piece of shit (and not just made by one)
That website literally doesn’t exist tho…
He mistyped stealmytesla.com
Nice, figured it was a joke, but it’s a pretty good one.
The reviews are gold:
I couldn’t find a buyer for my Tesla and was concerned about the depreciating resale value and the overt racism. Thank you, Steal My Tesla!
Just a typo in the link.
Sorry, I know it exists but have only visited once. Might have the exact URL wrong.
There’s a great opportunity for someone to sell replacement badges and logos for “converting” a Tesla into, say, a Mazda.
As people have said, already happening:
And it’s not fooling anyone
My favorite was a picture I saw online of a cybertruck labeled TOYOTA
People are already doing that! Not sure if it’s a specific kit but I have seen many with swapped badges around lately.
Prosthetic exhaust pipes?
First there were truck nuts…
I saw on AliExpress a fake double exhaust pipe kit for the Nissan leaf (ev) to attach with VHB to the back side
Edit: found the link in my notes app (acquisition date October 2023), but sadly it has been delisted, hopefully someone can use it to find a cached version or even just a photo of that https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004107275197.html
Damn it. When I lived in the South I would’ve loved this. Plus a speaker for a loud engine rev.
Careful, they’ll brick your software for that!
I’ve also been daydreaming along these lines. I have an old Porsche that doesn’t run I’ve sort of wanted to electrify. There are a few kits out there, but pricy. If I get a cheap-as-shit Tesla, could I break it down and retrofit? Weight and suspension would be a problem. Plus I’ve heard they are a complete arse about proprietary computer stuff.
That or a Mazda 13b could be fun, but I’d have to gear it down somehow.
People have. There was a news article about it a few days ago.
I’ve actually been checking if the prices for used Tesla’s have gone down enough. I’ve been itching for an EV for years. But other EVs are actually cheaper.
Saw some Peugeot 2008 for good prices.
As much as people like to shit on them due to the connection to Musk, they can be good cars with some caveats.
- The electronic door handles are bullshit and dangerous.
- The touch console is not as good as physical climate controls. Everything else commonly used can be done through the steering wheel controls for the most part.
- Service centers have really poor service, but since they’re EVs you shouldn’t need to do it often. (Unless it’s a Cybertruck lol).
Buying used is great because you don’t send that money to Musk. In fact the updates and support technically cost them over time.
You still pay him every time you use the Tesla charging network. Which is one of the biggest (and best) so you’re kinda SOL on charging without supporting him.
99% of my charging is done at home (and for 3 out of 4 seasons, from my solar panels). I can also use non-Tesla public fast chargers with CCS or Chademo. I’ll admit that the pricing is more expensive than Tesla Superchargers most often and the customer experience at non-Tesla fast chargers is pretty horrible. I’ll still pay more at a non-Tesla charger if there is the option so musk doesn’t get any more of my money since the initial car purchase years ago.
I mean, a lot of people can also charge at home. It’s way cheaper and more convenient.
My alternate non-Tesla badges are arriving next week.
Like badges actually trick anyone…
Its two things: I don’t want to show any support Tesla, and don’t have the luxury of selling my car and buying a different one. Second, I think you might be surprised how many people really don’t know what cars look like. Sure, “car people” will know, but most people aren’t “car people”.