yeah but that’s like going up to someone and making fun of them for being bad at geography for thinking the continents split millions of years ago, because you watched ice age and believe that’s when the continents split because that’s what appears in the movie
Mostly agreed. Even back in OG Greece days there probably was disagreement on the specifics of the Hercules mythology, because it’s literally a made up myth. It’s the same as how there are a zillion different sects of christianity who all believe different things about Christ
That is correct in the Disney framework. Incidentally the ancient framework is not necessarily more correct because there’s no real Zeus.
yeah but that’s like going up to someone and making fun of them for being bad at geography for thinking the continents split millions of years ago, because you watched ice age and believe that’s when the continents split because that’s what appears in the movie
This specifically referred to classical studies. Disney’s take is not a part of that.
wait its not? so that’s why all my grades are so bad…
But Hercules is a Disney classic!
Yes, but they only offer a degree in Disney Classics at Orlando University.
It seems like you are not very good at your classical studies.
Mostly agreed. Even back in OG Greece days there probably was disagreement on the specifics of the Hercules mythology, because it’s literally a made up myth. It’s the same as how there are a zillion different sects of christianity who all believe different things about Christ