I can feel Reddit giving me a warning for upvoting this
In the words of Captain America:
“Let’s not get carried away. I’ve known good vampires. People who never asked for this curse, who don’t inflict their pain and hunger on others. But I’ve never known a good Nazi.”
There are lots of good nazis, aka dead nazis.
“Hey, I saw someone doing something illegal to a capitalist!”
No you fucking didn’t.
epic drinkin game: take a shot every time you see this image
Oh this would be my first drink then
The militarily would
sendasks nicely Superman to deal with the “domestic terrorism” that is threatening the 'murikan way of life & save the innocent glorious cars.Also Sexxy Lexxy would have produced way better cars.
Idk, it kinda looks like the cyber truck to me:
This is the kind of shit that gets me out of bed in the morning
Ass ships?
You mean like
Superman of the comics (from about the mid-80s onward) would tell the military, politely, to go find a location to fornicate with themselves.
Also the animated Superman. He took would tell them to go fuck themselves. Neither one would actually curse.
That being said, both incarnations would put the fire out, if only to prevent environmental damage.
Possibly by dropping a large block of ice on the building.
Superman in the '30s would be lighting the fires.
What about if the fire spread to surrounding buildings?
It’s a good thing dealerships are usually completely separate from other buildings, and by quite a way!
Well, he is superman, so I’m sure it’ll be fine.
What about it?
At least make sure no non management workers are in trouble. You don’t have to put the fires out.
It’s Superman. Surely with his x-ray vision he could see that there was no one left.
That’s why he listens.
imo it would be funnier if he started taking pictures (since he’s supposed to be a journalist, right?)
That’s Jimmy Olsen’s whole purpose. Even Clark gets to “not my job” this situation.
Superman cares about decency.
Good job Superman.
I knew Superman was a domestic terrorist.
I’m not an expert but it might be tricky to argue that an actual bonafide genuine alien could be a domestic terrorist…
Superman is as American as apples.
That is a sentence I cannot disagree with.
Only because the path to citizenship for earth humans can be as long as 28 years in the united states. How long do you think it takes for a kryptonian?
“… earth humans…” What do you know that we don’t?
You could promise Supermán a green card - but tell him it’s the kryptonite that makes it green. He’d be in a right quandary then.
Seriously? 28 years - that’s monumentally absurd.
I mean, there was that time he tore down the homes of a bunch of low income people.
Was that the MOVE bombing? Because I’m pretty sure he blamed that on a black mayor.
From January 1939, Superman single-handedly tears down a low-income neighborhood. He wasn’t attacking a group of political activists. He just decided that a group of homes were slums and thus worthy of being demolished.
Lol what amazing rationale there “hmm, if I destroy it, the government will build something better almost immediately! SIMPLE!”
Superman is almost as great a menace to society as that maniac Spiderman.
…I mean, can we talk Batman?
EDIT: Also, let’s not forget this fun time:
Man of fire?
I got a good chuckle out of it lol. Though there are some incongruencies. Phone booths are an anachronism that really don’t exist currently alongside tesla. Especially not the bright red BT phone booths. Those definitely would not be the variety seen in Metropolis. But those are only small little nitpicks that don’t distract from the larger message which I agree with.
Metropolis was at least partially based on Joseph Shuster’s home town of Toronto, and there’s a bright red BT-style phone booth in Eglinton Square on Victoria Park Ave.
Definitely a fun fact🙂
Eldritch has joined the rank of “Meme Destroyer”
LOL well not trying to destroy it. It’s just one of those things that initially I saw I didn’t think about twice. But then I did think about it it just kind of tickled my brain in a funny way to think how anachronistic it all is now. That there are no phone booths anymore. Where does Superman change now? Does he just do it in an alley like a bum?
There’s plenty of abandoned malls and former retail shops that now just sit abandoned in the wake of Amazon’s dominance. If you’re going to make everything about realism, I’m sure there’s never a former radioshack or blockbuster, or toys r us nearby.
To you perhaps. Here no actually. The Last Remnant of the large local mall is set to be torn down soon as Macy’s is closing. The rest of the mall was torn down nearly 10 years ago. There are no remnants of Radio Shack or Blockbuster or Toys R Us here either. Though some of the buildings they used to occupy are still here. But not abandoned.
But isn’t it crazy to think about all those things like that that future Generations will have no good context for
Metropolis has no cell signal, due to the large deposits of Plotrelevantanium in the soil, so they actually do still have a ton of phone booths
Well fuck you then, he hopped into a Doctor-Who-themed strip-club before changing his clothes. Superman likes the strange. Get over it.
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it’s a cosplayer’s prop
I’m not American, so I may be out of place here, but you shouldn’t celebrate or support arson or terrorism.
We went through a drug war here during the time of our own strongman president that cost the innocents. His justification, wholly adopted by his supporters, was: the ends justify the means.
It was horrible and wrong. This is also horrible and wrong.
No, it’s cool to celebrate arson and terrorism when it’s against terrorist billionaire oligarchs who are burning your country down.
I don’t think this hurt them at all.
Counterpoint: Nah, let 'em burn.
I’m not American either, but can confirm you are out of place here.
This is not horrible - this is people fighting back: the most beautiful thing ever.
Fighting back by hurting inmocents? That’s not right.
People who support nazis are not innocent.
A lot of them probably bought it before all the drama.
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The owners of the cars that were burnt. AFAIK the cars burned were there for repairs.
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No but pretty sure it will cost them time, money and opportunity.
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Wasn’t it cars that came in for repairs that were burnt?
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