Musk is told his platform, now known as X, must comply with new laws designed to combat fake news and Russian propaganda
Oh ffs, stop warning him, he already knows and still does not comply. He does not care. Just throw the hammer at him, this he will understand.
Don’t worry, EU strikes very slowly, but hard.
Can we not do this? It’s so pathetic.
Just like how the US supposedly, “grinds slow but grinds fine”. No. A literal traitor having YEARS of freedom is NOT justice of any sort. Warning a rich piece of shit that they’re violating laws for the 1100th time IS NOT justice.
Stop pretending laws are applied remotely evenly or remotely expeditiously on the rich. It’s blatantly and obviously not true.
checks watch. Again.
It’s more of a calendar thing I’m afraid.
“You haff ignored the requisite 10 varnings. You only haff three more varnings before ve vill be forced to fine you €6B”
It’s usually a small amount in the millions
Not necessarily in Europe, Google got multiples fines above a billion for example.
I’m just happy to see the EU take these important first steps towards actually punishing him and others like him. They’re the only governmental organization around the world that’s actually doing something thoughtful.
China has been doing it for years
Nothing thoughtful about blocking all the things you don’t like.
You’re missing the part where Musk owns half of them. They meet privately with him to kiss his feet when they visit the UN
In before Musk calls EU a pedophile.
I mean, he likes to defend pedophiles!
He knows, it’s why he bought twitter.
It’s also why he bought half of the European leaders
Today is good day to stop sniffing glue.
I fear it’s probably to late in that case!
He didn’t need to buy them off, they’re all neoliberal shitheads, they’d lick his ass for free.
🤞 Please let him be imprisoned by some obscure German anti Nazi law please🤞
If they’re gonna do that they need to start with the AfD
Twitter actually got sued in Germany for failure to moderate hate speech already, that could cost him 33 billion euros!
You realize Americans are not subject to German law, yes?
That’s … not how reality works. Sure, a rich guy isn’t going to get it, but if you do something bad enough in Germany and run to the US, the US will ABSOLUTELY ship you back to Germany so that you can be under the jurisdiction of their laws. Even if you were a US citizen.
So I can post something illegal in Germany on the Internet and you think that I should be extradited?
That’s kind of what is happening with Kim DotCom. He’s been in New Zealand for years and never set foot in the US, but he is accused of conspiring to distribute pirated material that belongs to American corporations. He supposedly broke US law, while in New Zealand, and has never been to the US.
I think that was violating multiple international copyright and software patent agreements (i.e. megaupload), not him violating some specific US Law. And he was going to be tried in the US, but he could have just as easily been tried in Germany or whatever. Unless you are referring to something more specific.
Nope, but my point is extradition treaties exist. It’s not up to me what the US or German governments ship people over for, but they can and will help each other to reach out past borders.
Ok sure. A Government can do whatever it wants in collaboration with another government. regardless of laws, rights, morality, or anything that can be enforced via violence. But I don’t really see that as a “gotcha” or something that you should bring up in normal conversation.
They aren’t ignoring laws to do it. It’s literally a legal agreement. This started as a comment about what laws people are subject to. If you cannot understand how pointing out that they legally reach out past their borders to make people subject to laws everywhere is relevant… You might need to work on reading comprehension.
So let me ask you directly. Am I, as a US Citizen, living in the US, and currently in the US, subject to German Laws? To be clear I understand that extradiction treaty’s exist. But that only applies if I break German Law, while I’m in Germany, not in any other situation.
Realize? Yes. Holding the thinnest shred of hope for some forgotten treaty agreement? Also yes.
I’d also settle for any country telling him to fuck right off with any of his business if he continues to be a bag of shit. That might also work.
That’s probably what will end up happening. But how? Is the EU going to ban Twitter traffic like China does?
If I had to guess it would get DNS blocked by all European providers, that’s not a effective ban if you want to deny access but it’s a death sentence for a buisness!
Are you kidding? Half of the European leaders met privately with him while visiting the UN. This is all talk, they’re not gonna do anything to Musk cause he owns half of them, or they’re at least trying to keep him happy so he’ll build a Tesla plant in their country
1 European leaders met him while visiting. Hardly bending the knee, more so politicians wooing a notorious narcissist.
You’re delusional if you think they don’t meet privately with him and don’t tell you
So sources when you think they’re on your side but conspiracy when they are not? Ok
Sadly you’re probably right on the money, especially the Germans+Auto Industry. One can dream at least
I really hope Elon given the ultimatum would go for the nuclear option and shut down Twitter in Europe.
It wouldn’t even be out of character, I can imagine him vomiting some “free speech” nonsense on his way out.
The company stock price would halve, but at the speed it is already going down it wouldn’t even register.
The company stock price would halve.
Elon took it private, it doesn’t have a stock price anymore. But it does have a valuation, which is basically it’s appraisal value, and that’s already significantly lower than what he paid for it.
It was valued at roughtly a third but that was before the rebrand, now it’s probably quite a bit lower!
Why does anyone even still use it? I never saw the appeal even before the takeover, now it baffles me. It’s such a horrible interface
Yes the interface makes no sense, you can’t tell who’s replying to who. Sometimes the replies are above the comment they’re replying to, sometimes below. Still it’s a good place to get information that’s censored by America’s great firewall, which is why this article is a case in point.
Don’t warn. Act. Fine him. It won’t hurt him much, but would generate additional funds for European needs. Actively create Fediverse accounts that interact with the public. And so on…
Maybe they should stop making small fines of $ millions and start applying $$$ billions in fines.
nothing like a stern warning to swiftly correct a billionaire megalomaniac destructive antics in my experience.
X, now rated #1 in disinformation!
That’s it Mr. Musk, sir. You’re officially on notice. (I hope that’s ok, sir?)
Elon Musk: “this is a feature, not a bug”
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Scott Adams? You mean the guy who writes books about obvious self-insert characters who are so much smarter than everyone else because they are influencers?
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That website is a right wing cesspit. They even have a page on the Uighur genocide conspiracy theory that’s more ridiculous than the one on wikipedia.
Follow him to hell?
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I’m just not sure I get which part is sarcastic. Are you actually following him? Do you like the things he says or just want to see what his crazy ass is up to?
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Ban, or ban not. There is no warn.
Late stage enshitification