I have tried out Gnome, KDE, Lxqt and Xfce on a regular desktop and all of them feel nice. I haven’t tried many DE’s on a laptop.
Are there any particular DE’s you like on a laptop, because of things like power consumption and efficiency that would not come normally into consideration for a desktop?

  • @RandomVanGloboii
    41 year ago

    GNOME, despite the critiques it receives it’s the most polished one and the one that gives me less problems

    • @pendsv@discuss.tchncs.de
      21 year ago

      I have nothing against gnome and it’s defiantly the most polished, but in the same time it has alot of small inconveniences that are only fixable with plugins and messing around with the settings.

      For my workflow kde is usable out of the box with almost no configurations.

    • @oranki@sopuli.xyz
      11 year ago

      Oh look, downvoting opinions has already crept to the fediverse… Have an upvote to fix things.

      I’m with you on this one, I try other DEs and keep coming back to GNOME. Got a new NVIDIA Optimus laptop for work, haven’t gotten around to installing Linux on it yet but that will be GNOME. Stuff just gets done, most other DEs make me tinker with settings a lot… not to mention WMs. XFCE may be the exception, but it feels too dated.

  • DarkThoughts
    41 year ago

    Plasma KDE.
    I prefer the typical Windows like layout and it offers a lot of customization options that the other DEs are missing.

  • Haunting_Tale_5150
    31 year ago

    Of the ones I tried, my top 3 would be cinnamon, budgie, and kde. KDE is probably the best bet for modern features ATM, cinnamon for simplicity.

  • rise-if-you-would
    31 year ago

    On laptops Gnome has a big advantage in the multitouch gestures for the touchpad, and as everyone says it’s pretty polished. But lately I’ve been using KDE since it offers a lot more functionality and customization out of the box. Most of it’s apps are like a swiss army knife and I love that. KDE is also catching up in the multitouch gesture department.

  • MattMist
    31 year ago

    I’m the type of person who gets tired of a DE after using it for too long, so I’m using Budgie right now and I really like it. However XFCE is pretty nice, too, it’s what I used to use.

  • @okiloki@feddit.de
    31 year ago

    I recently switched from i3 to hyprland and quite like it. Wayland still has some issues, but the better scaling makes it worth it.

    • rankshank
      11 year ago

      Also a fan of hyprland, will be ovewriting my arch+kde desktop with my laptop’s nixos+hyprland flake this week. Wayland definitely has some early adoption pains but the tearing reduction alone makes it worth it.

    • vividspecter
      11 year ago

      I’ve used Sway for a few years but Hyprland is certainly on my list.

  • cfx_4188
    21 year ago

    I like Enlightenment. It uses 400 MB of RAM on my old laptop/

  • @0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works
    21 year ago

    Started out with xfce, used lxde for a short while… it was too minimalistic for my taste. Tried KDE for about a week, that was the oposite, too flashy. Went back to xfce, haven’t tried anything else since. It’s a sweet spot IMO.

  • @4ffy@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    I have not used a desktop environment on a laptop in a very long time. For a long while, I had fluxbox installed and that was good enough. Nowadays, my laptop almost exclusively runs EXWM. I can’t really recommend that for general use though.

    If I were to install a full DE now, I think I would go for LXQT. I love Openbox, and I would probably end up replacing the panel with tint2. That would be a decent environment, I think.

  • @naeap@sopuli.xyz
    1 year ago

    the less I need a mouse on a laptop, the better

    edit: ok, you specifically asked for a full fledged DE and not just a WM. well, I picked what I needed and with Manjaro i3 as base, I had a nice place to start

  • @konodas@feddit.de
    1 year ago

    Tiling window managers like i3 are imho nice for laptops, since they do not waste any space and can be easily controlled via keyboard. Takes a while to get used to them, however.

    • @snauth@lemmy.ml
      21 year ago

      i3wm on my laptop, light on resources, keyboard-driven saves screen estate (no window decorations), and picom makes it easy on the eyes (rounded corners, shadows). If you prefer wayland, sway (and swayfx) is the way.

    • klz
      11 year ago

      I’m the opposite. I only use tiling on desktop. When using screens under 4k a simple left/right split is all I feel which gnome can do out of the box.