I am so out of the loop, I don’t have any windows computers anymore which means I don’t get to try Windows 11. The last windows I used was Windows 10 years ago just after upgrading from Windows 7 and I didn’t like it.

  • do you have it already?
  • what are your thoughts?
  • did MS do well?
  • is it fast, does it feel lean or bulky

Maybe I should try it out just to get a feeling for it, I think without knowing what most people will use I can’t talk about alternatives with them.

  • Kohen Shaw@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    How is this the first time I’m hearing of this distro? It is kind of unusual that they don’t seem to specify on their website what this distro is based on though

    • Zerush@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      Yes they do





      It is essentially a skinned and modified Ubuntu LTS for compatibility withr EXE and MSI files, although with limitations. That is, it will be valid for normal use and not to scare too much users unaccustomed to Linux, but it has similar compatibility problems with MS like other distros using Wine.

      For a Linux novice I would recommend before using Q4OS (Debian based), which with different skins can also be very similar in appearance and handling to Windows.

      Anyway, WindowsFX is still better than this ReactOS, which has been trying to fork Windows XP for more than a decade (still in beta) and which serves as an insider joke for MS devs.

        • Zerush@lemmy.ml
          3 years ago

          Yes and no, it is also a product of a good part of reverse engineering that also does not work very well. I think that MS is going to release Windows XP as Open Source before, as it has already done with MSDOS, that ReactOS is going to work as it should. Besides, who today is going to want an imitation of Windows XP, without good compatibility with current applications? Browse with IE?