I’ve noticed a peculiar phenomenon prevalent with the liberals. They have an inclination to diminish the complexity of those they perceive as adversaries by reducing them to caricatures or dehumanizing representations.

For instance, they liken Xi to Winnie the Pooh, depicting him in a manner that belittles his position and influence. Similarly, Putin is portrayed as a mad king, exaggerating his power and malevolence for dramatic effect. They characterize Russians as orcs, implying that they are inherently evil and lacking in humanity’s essential qualities of compassion and reason.

This trend seems to suggest a reluctance among liberals to engage with opposing viewpoints on their own merits, instead choosing to dismiss them outright or diminish their significance through caricatured representations. This approach may serve as a form of psychological defense mechanism, allowing individuals to avoid the discomfort and cognitive dissonance that can arise from confronting unfamiliar or challenging ideas.

A group, claiming to champion values such as empathy, inclusivity, and respect for diversity, appears to be engaging in a peculiar behavior: dehumanizing their opponents by reducing them to caricatures or diminishing their complexity. This trend is as a form of naked hypocrisy.

    • Soul_Greatsword@lemmygrad.ml
      8 months ago

      Exhibit A here folks.

      This lib has equated “your tastes are juvenile” with telling them to off themselves. This ambitious stretch of reality is necessary to reduce this community to a hateful mob without nuanced opinion in their eyes.

      • Yerbouti@lemmy.ml
        8 months ago

        Lol. Of course, it’s easier for you to decide how a specific conversation that you were not part of went** went, because of course you know better then the person telling you about it does. Let’s just call everybody we disagree with stupid libs who dehumanises dictators and keep jerking one another with our little arrogant tone.

        While you prepare the revolution from your mom’s basement, I will keep doing some real activism. You should really consider a move to russis tho.

        • ☭ Comrade Pup Ivy 🇨🇺@lemmygrad.ml
          8 months ago

          We are merely saying that your discription does not match our experience of hexbear.

          We dont call everyone we disagree with a lib, if you have never noticed some of the biggest disagreements of communism will come between comunists, we do call liberals liberals, and dictator is a strong word, I can make a convincing argument that Joe Biden is a tyrannical dictator, but I doubt you wpuld give it a second glance, I am going to need a tighter deffiniton on that term, not only that but the OP also mentioned Liberals tendincy to call Russians “Orcs”. Your minimization also does not allow you to fully understand the geopolitical motives, Why does the DPRK move for nukes and test them regularly WHY is Russia involved with the Ukraine, this minimization only harms the topics being talked about.

          I do not understand where the parents basment came from, however that seems to be making light of the economic conditions that Liberal Policies have put us in (and is the minimization that the OP talks about) but in the community we have Union Leaders, Party leaders, agitators and workers, we had a demographic survey not to long ago that showed a considerable grouping of people here.

          I Also feel I should ask what you define as “real activism” and how effective it is, as studies show the will of the US people has no effect on the movement of the US government.

          Lastly your move to another country (Russia in this case), skipping all the inharent issues with that line of thinking, first how are we going to move, any move os expensive let alone across an international boarder, and getting the proper visas and Residence statuses, and technically some countries, like the US you need promisson to leave, so who is going to be paying for this you? And second Russia isn’t communist, please if you learn nothing else from this learn russia is very capitalist, there was an illegal dissolutionment of a country and looting of a nation, and bombing of a Parliament over this

          Edit: This thread where you are overly antagonist https://lemmygrad.ml/comment/3197853

        • Soul_Greatsword@lemmygrad.ml
          8 months ago

          I’m relieved to say I wasn’t part of it. I’m not about to take your word on how it really went down though since I can read.

          our little arrogant tone. The self awareness is genuinely spooky.

        • Amerikan Pharaoh@lemmygrad.ml
          8 months ago

          You should really consider a move to russis tho.

          Why is this always you crackers’ move when you feel you’ve been slighted by people raising valid criticisms of you? It’s always either “you should move to russia”, “if you don’t minstrel out for our guy, their guy will do a thousand times worse to you; and i can’t wait to watch it”, or “if you don’t like it go back to where you came from” just like the republican thugs you supposedly stand against.

          Like-- do you not get how hilariously congruent with the MAGAts you are like that? You’re the exact same kind of invertebrate; and as such I don’t believe you’ve ever cut a check, held a picket, or stood on a line for anything that mattered in your life; nor do I believe you ever will. I’ve never known such a toxic liberal to be even the first step towards being on go.

    • ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml
      8 months ago

      Nice strawman .

      That’s not what OP said, but unless didn’t actually read the post or are a master in self gaslighting you know that already.

      I’ve never had so much hate in my life than the time I said I like South Park on hexbear. Litteraly 20 people telling me I should kill myself.

      I’m gonna be honest I don’t believe you at all. I have never seen anyone here post death threats, not even once, not even in response to the most smuglordish criptifash of you bunch.

      Why don’t you link the conversation you are talking about as proof?

    • CannotSleep420@lemmygrad.ml
      8 months ago

      Are you the one who flaunted their academic credentials because people disagreed with you that South Park was genius?

      • Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
        8 months ago

        White people think that show is deep. My dude it’s two child-fucker libertarian manchildren trying to come up with the edgiest shit they can.

        • CannotSleep420@lemmygrad.ml
          8 months ago

          Seriously? I’m 42. I teach in a College and work in research in University. I have a master’s degree from U of Montreal and a Doctorate from Concordia. I’ve read more books then you will in your entire life. My mom is from a first nation community and my dad is a french canadian. I think this sub is fucking pathetic. I’m not sure what exactly Chappo Lemmygrad is, but it’s seems you people need them to tell you what to think. You guys are behaving EXACTLY like Trump supporters: privilege white people behaving like they are better then everyone. Toxic AF. Wannna tell me about you? Did you ever accomplished anything interesting or do you just tell people on the internet they suck to make you feel good?

      • Yerbouti@lemmy.ml
        8 months ago

        Are you the one who told me to kill myself because my mom is native?

        • ☭ Comrade Pup Ivy 🇨🇺@lemmygrad.ml
          8 months ago

          This is becoming an obvious strawman at this point now, It seems like you have given up trying to have beliveability, I was giving you the benifit of the doubt, but you clearly 1) do not understand what we stand for as communists, and 2) have never been here in this comunity before, or you would know how rediculous that accusation sounds

          That being said It is utterly appoling that that happened to you

          Edit, it never happened here is the thread https://lemmygrad.ml/comment/3197853

        • Valbrandur@lemmygrad.ml
          8 months ago

          Complains to Lemmygrad and blames them about something that allegedly happened in Hexbear


            • Valbrandur@lemmygrad.ml
              8 months ago

              Seriously? I’m 42. I teach in a College and work in research in University. I have a master’s degree from U of Montreal and a Doctorate from Concordia. I’ve read more books then you will in your entire life. My mom is from a first nation community and my dad is a french canadian. I think this sub is fucking pathetic. I’m not sure what exactly Chappo is, but it’s seems you people need them to tell you what to think. You guys are behaving EXACTLY like Trump supporters: privilege white people behaving like they are better then everyone. Toxic AF. Wannna tell me about you? Did you ever accomplished anything interesting or do you just tell people on the internet they suck to make you feel good?

        • ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml
          8 months ago

          The more you describe that alleged conversation, the less it make sense and the less I’m believing you. Someone on Hexbear said that? Either it’s some kind of criptophash pretending to be a leftist who somehow managed to pass the vetting process and got banned shortly after saying that, or most likely, you are making shit up, cause I can guaranty you, saying that kind of things would not be tolerated on Hexbeart nor on lemmygrad no matter to who it’s said.

            • ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml
              8 months ago

              Seriously? I’m 42. I teach in a College and work in research in University. I have a master’s degree from U of Montreal and a Doctorate from Concordia. I’ve read more books then you will in your entire life. My mom is from a first nation community and my dad is a french canadian. I think this sub is fucking pathetic. I’m not sure what exactly Chappo is, but it’s seems you people need them to tell you what to think. You guys are behaving EXACTLY like Trump supporters: privilege white people behaving like they are better then everyone. Toxic AF. Wannna tell me about you? Did you ever accomplished anything interesting or do you just tell people on the internet they suck to make you feel good?

              They must have been especially embarrassed about this one given that they edited it.

              • It honestly looks like they are insecure about their own accomplishments and are pushing it off on others for, and I cannot stress this enough, disagreeing on south park

                They have a constant tone in comments of everyone they disagree with is either a trump suporter or a proud boy

                Oh and they admitted in one post to being a white night where they work. Honestly I am relived to not go to this persons university and I would love tp hear the Shit talk the students give behind their back

            • ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml
              8 months ago

              And here I was thinking they were just making stuff up with the intent to post somewhere to make us look bad, turns out they were just salty about being dunked on so they wanted to rant about the conversation but they couldn’t link it otherwise everyone could easily see that not only are they lying, they are an insufferable smuglord as well.

              • Let me tell you in finding it I found a few other places they convenently forgot to link… that I might have dropped a link in

                But seriously how paper thin must your skin be that a whole bunch of people disagreeing on your oppinion of southpark, leads to you saying there where death threats?

                • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
                  8 months ago

                  I think their insistence on this high-school level bullying being “death threats” is very telling. This is someone whose whole identity is wrapped up in their degrees, their symbol of their own authority. They can’t just like a tv show, they have to be the expert with degrees explaining how their interpretation of the show is the only correct one because they have a bunch of degrees which makes them very intelligent. So when people mock them for thinking a bunch of unrelated degrees confer any sort of special understanding of a cartoon, they take it not just as a personal attack, but as an attack on their very existence, hence their reframing it as death threats.

                  Or maybe they’re just so desperate to be a victim they just lied about it in an attempt to trick people, forgetting that this is the internet and people can actually find sources to verify claims.

                  • While I can definitly see it being both, and I knpw fpr sure elements of the second are true, like forgetting it isnt hard to check hexbear history. I genuinely think its the first, because even saying "your political analysis is blunter than a club and saying that did not happen, you look to be the agressor, here is the link for others to see, is also bullying.

                    But I genuinely think it is mostly the first, I mean the only other reason I would thibk to randomly bring up your degrees in a discussion about southpark (and randomly throw in that they read more) would be to wave arround the “I have more papers saying I know stuff, so I must me correct” and they just did not know how to respond when no one gave extra devrence to the Doctorate (also still hung up on why they included the masters doctorate outways masters). I thibk the lack of deverence is why they said that “Leftests do not respect their opponents”

                  • ☭ Comrade Pup Ivy 🇨🇺@lemmygrad.ml
                    8 months ago

                    Incase anyone is wondering, dropping a context link is now bullying, they sent me a message saying I was worse than the people on R/DonaldTrump because I tracked them down to bully them,

                    I cannot stress this enough, I found it while looking for their incident, then posted the context they neglected too

      • Yerbouti@lemmy.ml
        8 months ago

        You know what, been there done that. You people are the Proud boys with a communist flag.

    • ☭ Comrade Pup Ivy 🇨🇺@lemmygrad.ml
      8 months ago

      I dont remember anyone saying we do not respect liberals as people, nor has anyone said that your lived experience is invalid. What we do npt respect is liberalism as a philosophy, and what this thread is commenting on is how when ever any of us talks to a liberal, the conversion almost always goes down the same path, one where the “bad guy” is othered, and charictures and retorical minimizers are used, we always here the same 5 remarks.

      This post isnt about you as an individual, Yerbouti not getting respect, I will even say it, I Comrade Pup Ivy, Respect you Yerbouti, as a human, and an individual.

      As for your post on hexbear, I have no context for this as I am not often on Hex, and you have not linked the thread, but it does not sound like them to tell you to “kill yourself” fpr liking a fairly popular though deeply flawed and problematic show, I can how ever see them givong you an incredably hard time

      P.S. this jumping from “have you noticed this incredably common trait among liberals” to “you dont respect us and think we are all morons” is exactly what this post was talking about

      Edit, I found the thread on hex bear, not once did anyone advocate for you to kill your self https://lemmygrad.ml/comment/3197853