EDIT: please, if you don’t agree with the arguments in the video, come in and discuss, don’t just downvote the thread.

I found this video with many arguments supporting self-diagnosis validity and wanted to share.

Main point may be that there is no valid reason to look for a self-diangosis than the fact of being autistic, and needing support for that. At least until there will be equitable access to medical care, self-diagnosis is the only way for people to understand themself and understand the support they may need in their life.

But, there is much more in the video, take a look at it by yourself!

  • kernelle@0d.gs
    1 year ago

    Self-diagnosing is a very dangerous game, however spreading information on what a condition is like can be very helpful though, but people actually going around and telling people they have self-diagnosed OCD, autism, aspergers is absolutely ridiculous. “Self-diagnosing” in this video is spreading the belief you can actually, medically diagnose yourself, which is bonkers.

    The way I see it, recognising certain behavioural traits which could be explained by a condition, is an important thing. Spreading factual information about them, equally as important. But actual, serious self-diagnosis is not only disrespectful to anyone actually suffering from the condition, but also incredibly narcissistic, arrogant and ignorant thing to do.

    This is just spreading anti-science propaganda, which shouldn’t be welcome here.

    • lgsp@feddit.itOP
      10 months ago

      serious self-diagnosis is not only disrespectful to anyone actually suffering from the condition

      your assumption is that people self-diagnosing is not suffering that condition. Why do you think so? If someone is self-diagnosing, maybe, probably, it is because he/she is suffering. This is one of the main point in the video. Did you watch it?

      Also, a lot of people may not have access to a diagnosis, thus making people diagnosed and refusing other poeple self-diagnosis a sort of privileged elite.

      But again, the video already answered those 2 points. The anti-scientific one probably in the first minute…

      • kernelle@0d.gs
        1 year ago

        your assumption is that people self-diagnosing is not suffering that condition

        Definitely not, I am assuming a lot of people will be certain they have a condition they do not have. Which is very disrespectful.

        Again, it’s a great thing so much information is available to all of us, it’s a great thing that people who are suffering find the information they need to get help. But supporting self-diagnosis invalidates decades of medical professionals. Are they always right? No. Do they have all the answers? No. Can professionals make mistakes? Yes. So if you know all that, how can you assume you are making the right diagnosis? Arrogance, that’s how.

        • lgsp@feddit.itOP
          10 months ago

          Which is very disrespectful

          I don’t se how.

          But supporting self-diagnosis invalidates decades of medical professionals

          Self diagnosis based on tests developed in validated scientific research invalidates the medical professionals? How?

          So if you know all that, how can you assume you are making the right diagnosis?

          Who said that? Valid doesn’t mean right. Valid means that, given the actual status of medical care, this is the best a lot of people can do. Valid means that people self-diagnosed can make decision based on their understanding of themselves.

          Valid self- diagnosis doesn’t mean that professional diagnoses is not valid or not important. This is your asusmption

          • kernelle@0d.gs
            1 year ago

            Which is very disrespectful

            I don’t se how

            I literally can’t have a conversation with someone so blatantly disrespectful, good luck.

            • lgsp@feddit.itOP
              10 months ago

              I’m sorry about that, i really want to understand you.

              let me make a very practical example.

              Let’s say that I’m a 40 year old male. I always knew there was something different about me. Strong logic, STEM phd. Very weak communication skills (outside of my fields of interests, at least), usually silent. Somehow and with a lot of difficulties I found a partner, who, after several years, suggested that I may have some serious communication/relation issues. I found some random video on youtube like “10 traits you may be autistic”. Oh gosh, I got all 10. Oh look, there are these self-tests I could try. Are they just trash? Let’s dig a bit. Uhm, no, apparently they are research backed, and people use them to do actual self assesment. Ok, I’m pretty sure they will exclude me. Oh gosh, i’m in the 90 percentile of diagnosed autistic people on all of them. What do I do? Seek for actual diagnosis. Ok, apparently it takes years, and it costs a lot. Ok, let’s do some research. I read about 10 books, like the one from Atwood, neuro-tribes, etc. I joned a lot of online groups like this one, finding a lot of pepole with issues like mine. I learned a lot. I understood why if I’m out for dinner with more than 6 friends I cannot follow conversations. Why if the environment is loud I feel exhausted after 10 miniutes. Why I had issues with bullies when I was young. The bad hand-writing. The sensitivity for food textures. Why I cannot bear wool on my skin. Why I need to carefully plan the routes when I’m moving. Why I have anxiety when stupid weekend plans are changed (EDIT: ah the anxiety with everything!). Why my wife thinks that my questions during fights are stupid while I cannot even understand what’s happening without an answer. And a lot of other things, really a lot. And things got better. Now I don’t blame myself if I cannot bear certain situations. I just know I have to take a break from social mettings and it’s ok to do that. I carry some era plugs to go to the grocery store that help me cope with the noise that would exhaust me etc.

              So, if you could get to the end of the above wall of text, my question is: how is any of this disrespectful? Towards who? You? The doctors? Why cannot I qualify as a self-diagnosed autustic and share my experiences like one? What a medical diagnose would add at this point, where I don’t need any additional accomodation? If I was still a child, that would have helped. But now?

              • kernelle@0d.gs
                1 year ago

                Okay fine, the problem with self-diagnosis goes further than personal experience. It is about how much value you put on a medical diagnosis and having respect for the medical field for figuring out what constitutes that diagnosis. Autism specifically is a very broad condition, with even the medical field disagreeing on what puts you on the spectrum. But even they will argue the importance of a medical evaluation, which by definition has changed over time, and will change, so I’m not talking about giving anyone a stamp, but rather respecting professionals who dedicate lifetimes to their research by not using terms which they work so hard to define.

                A lot of people who have autism aren’t diagnosed properly, which is genuinely infuriating. Which is why there is so much value in spreading information which could help anyone, especially for people who don’t have the resources. But that information could apply to anyone or anything, and because of the broad nature of autism there aren’t any “10 signs which show you have autism”, because there are people who will actually find themselves having those 10 signs who do not have any neurodivergence of any kind. But that person will still find value in what those 10 signs tell about them and about how other people deal with that.

                You have found value in every aspect of what it means to have autism, you have used those resources to help youself in ways you didn’t know was possible. That is genuinely heartwarming, and I am not here to tell you you are wrong. What I’m saying is there are a lot of people suffering but also working on bettering the lives of everyone with autism, and self-diagnosing devalues both of those people.

                If I were you, I think I would describe myself as having similar personality traits as a person with autism. But not actually having autism.

                • lgsp@feddit.itOP
                  10 months ago

                  If I were you, I think I would describe myself as having similar personality traits as a person with autism. But not actually having autism.

                  I have to admit that in this particular thread I am exaggerating on purpose, to get to a point. I usually say (at least online… Offline it’s still undisclosed) that I have strong indication that I may be autistic, and that I ran the tests, and found similarities etc (similar to what you suggested). And all this mainly because, even if I suffered a lot in some phases in my life (bullying, loneliness and isolation, failure in relationships anxiety, depending on the age mainly), in the end I didn’t need assistance until now (this is debatable: maybe I need it? Sometimes it’s really hard)

                  The thing is, even if I don’t define myself as self-diagnosed autistic, I wouldn’t mind if someone in a similar situation would do it, if he/she really thinks it fits, especially if he experienced a lot of suffering in life because of it, and that definition would help improving his/her life.

                  • kernelle@0d.gs
                    1 year ago

                    It’s obvious that you mean the same, but “self-diagnosing” internet content has been rising a lot, as humans we tend to see patterns quickly and video’s like that one simplify actual medical conditions into shortform video content, convincing people just watching these clips can diagnose anything. It doesn’t help your video has an obvious anti-science agenda either.