This is a question I am wondering. I try to avoid as much as I can platforms like YouTube, Discord, Whatsapp, Zoom, etc. But I just can’t! For YouTube I love the content to much to quit it. I actually uses and NewPipe to avoid this problem. I just need to import my subscriptions.

Then you got the case of some social medias where it doesn’t depends on you. For example I need to use Whatsapp for school even if I hate it, same for Zoom.

I also got friends and communities that are only on Discord.

Do you already had these issues? How are you dealing with them?

Thanks in advance!

    11 months ago

    It’s so weird because I thought I Lemmy sorting algo has something to do with some power law? of upvotes and age, but I remember this one didn’t have that many (which I initially had thought it was new without looking at the date). So it should not shown up at all. Anyway, yes the sortong algo needs some re-thinking, and potentially allowing users/instances to control the parameters.